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Unit 2 Saving the Earth Topic 3 What can we do at home to protect the environment? 复习课 What should we do to improve our environment? 展示点评分工表 并 列 句 并列连词 or, and, but ,while等的用法 How can we become a greener person? Turn off the lights when we leave a room. Walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi. Take a cloth bag when we go shopping. Don’t drive a car if you travel a short distance. Write on both sides of the paper. Don’t use the things that can be used only once. After we wash faces, we can use the water to wash clothes. Turn off the TV set while we are away. … Throw the rubbish here and there. Don’t spit in a public place. Draw a beautiful picture on the public walls. Don’t throw things away if they can be reused. Go to school by bike instead of by bus. Collect the rubbish and try to sort it. Pour dirty water into rivers directly. Turn off the lights when you go out. Thank you! * * * * * * 西峡县丹水二中 刘艳萍 Step One: 设疑自探 Read Topic 3 and tell what you want to ask . Step Two:解疑合探 要求: 1、小组长认真负责,确保人人参与。 2、本组内若有其他个别问题,请一并解决。 3、组长集中全组学生对展示和评价对象进行 帮扶,确保代表本组最高智慧。 4、时间6分钟。 Discuss and solve the questions in groups. 点评要求:1、声音洪亮脱稿。 2、语言言简意赅,思路清晰,重点点评优缺点及总结方法规律。 3、非点评同学认真听讲,记好笔记,有疑问或见解及时提出来。 4、最后对展示同学打分,每题10分。 展示要求:书写迅速,字迹工整,答题规范 口头 4 书面 3 书面 2 书面 1 评价小组 展示方式 展示小组 展示任务 Some important phrases in Topic 3 . work for spread the message about on both sides of paper encourage sb. to do sth. hurry up give up ought to do sth. travel a short distance after all renewable energy in the 1990s reach a speed of run out remove sth. from … kite sb. on one’s legs Useful expressions 1.Would you like to be a greener person? 2.First, you ought to shut off the electricity when you leave a room. 3.Easier said than done. 4.The train can reach a top speed of 431 km per hour. 5.Hurry up, or you will miss the bus. 6.Some things we have done are


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