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5 我父亲生前是个农民 Well, my dad was a farmer. 6 那时大家都以此为生 Um, like everybody else back then. 7 当然 最初他并不干这行 Of course, he didnt start that way. 8 电脑提示倾斜过度 Computer says youre too tight. 9 - 没事 我能搞定 - 正在穿越直道 - Nah, I got this. - Crossing the Straights. 10 - 关闭发动机 库珀 - 不要 ! - Shutting it down, Cooper. - No! 11 - 已全部关停 - 不 重新启动 ! - Shutting it all down. - No, I need power up! 12 爸爸 ? Dad? 13 抱歉 墨菲 回去睡吧 Sorry, Murph. Go back to bed. 14 - 我还以为你是那幽灵呢 - 我不是 - I thought you were the ghost. - No. 15 世界上没有幽灵 宝贝 There are no such things as ghosts, babe. 16 外公说有幽灵的 Grandpa says you can get ghosts. 17 那是因为外公自己就快成幽灵了 回去睡觉 Maybe thats because Grandpas close to being one himself. Back to bed. 18 你又梦见那次坠机了吗 ? Were you dreaming about the crash? 19 快回去睡觉 墨菲 哈 Get your butt back in bed, Murph. Heh. 20 麦子都枯死了 The wheat had died. 21 遇上枯萎病 只能全烧了 The blight came and we had to burn it. 22 我们还剩几亩地的玉米 And we still had corn. We had acres of corn. 23 但最多的还是沙尘 But, uh, mostly we had dust. 24 我无法描述它 那风就刮个没完 I guess I cant describe it. It was just constant. 25 就持续不断地刮着 ... Just that steady blow... 26 沙尘 of dirt. 27 有时 我们用碎布 ... We wore, um, little strips of sheet... 28 捂住口鼻 ... sometimes over our nose and mouth... 29 以免吸入过多尘土 so that we wouldnt breathe so much of it. 30 收拾餐桌时 我们总是把盘子 ... When we set the table, we always set the plate... 31 倒扣着放 酒杯啊 水杯啊 不管是什么 ... upside-down. Glasses or cups, whatever it was... 32 都倒扣着放 upside-down. 33 快点 ! 墨菲 赶紧过来 ! Shake a leg! Murph, get a move on! 34 汤姆 下午四点去谷仓 我教你用除草剂 Tom, 4:00 today, you and me in the barn, Herbicide Resistance 101. 35 - 明白? - 遵命 - Check? - Yes, sir. 36 别放餐桌上


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