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Unit 4 Language Goal :Talk about jobs 义务教育课程标准实验教科书 Section A(1) 学习目标: 1、New words: actor/ shop assistant/ doctor/ reporter/policewoman/ waiter/bank clerk/policewoman 2. Expressions: What do you do? What does he do? What does Ann’s mother do? What do you want to be? What does Ann’s father want to be? an actor a shop assistant a reporter a policeman a policewoman a waiter a doctor a bank clerk teacher student shop assistant doctor actor nurse student reporter teacher waiter policeman bank clerk New words 背诵 What does he/she do? He/She is a/an… What does she do? What is she? What’s her job? 同义句 3 1 2 Listen and number the pictures (1-3) below. who job Wants to be 1.Anna’s mother 2. Tony’s father 3. Susan’s brother bank clerk waiter student policewoman actor doctor Listen again and fill in the chart Pairwork: A: What does Anna’s mother do? B: She’s a bank clerk. A: What does Anna’s mother want to be ? B: She wants to be a policewoman. What do you do? I’m a reporter. What does he do? He’s a student. What does she do? She’s a doctor. What do you want to be? I want to be an actor. What does he want to be? He wants to be a bank clerk. What does she want to be? She wants to be a shop assistant. Grammar Focus: 堂测题 1.——莉莉的妈妈是干什么的? ——她是一名记者. ——她想当什么? ——她想当一名警察。 2.——你的叔叔是干什么的? ——他是一名医生. ----他想当什么? ——他想当一名演员。 1. What does Lily’s mother do ? She is a reporter. What does she want to be? She wants to be a policewoman. 2. What does your uncle do ? He is a doctor. What does he want to be ? He wants to be an actor. Good bye 知网查重 知网论文检测 知网查重 知网论文检测 vdg07wgv 后,耿老爹家和耿憨家就再也不用到上百步开外的那口公用水井上去挑水了。在董家院落里靠近南墙的地方,董家成的妻子刘氏每年都种些黄瓜、豆角、西红柿什么的。不但可以基本上解决了全家人的吃菜问题,还时不时地送一些给耿老爹和耿憨各家尝尝鲜。董家历来以种地为生,属于特别老实巴交的庄稼人。在农闲时节,这个五大三粗的庄稼汉子也会扎些扫把、编个箩筐什么的。待积攒到一定数量时,他就搬到“三六九”集市上卖掉。此项副业虽然谈不上有多大的收入,但起码也足够买盐巴、调料和灯油钱了。反正闲着也是闲着,董家成很乐意做这些东西;时间久了


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