人教版新目标八年级下Unit 3SectionB(3a-3b).ppt

人教版新目标八年级下Unit 3SectionB(3a-3b).ppt

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. Could you please clean your room? Unit 3 Section B (3a-3b) Step 1 Revision Review the expressions about making polite requests and asking for permissions. Ask and answer: Could you please …? _____(OK,but I want to watch one show first…) Could I/we …?_____ (Sure,that should be OK…) useful phrases : do the dishes/take out the rubbish/fold your clothes/sweep the floor/make your bed/clean the living room/borrow some money/buy some drinks and snacks/go to the stone/use your CD player, etc.) Step 2 SectionB 3a Do you think children should do any chores at home? Why or why not? Discuss this with a partner and take notes. Children should do chores because… Children should not do chorse because… Step 3 How to write a letter (一) Look through the two letters on page 22 (Think about how to write a letter.) (二)Summary Look! Dear ______,  I think /believe that …    …   …   …   … Yours truly, _________ 开头,对收信人的 尊称 结尾,写信人的签名 正文部分: 1.注意人称、数和时态。 2.尽可能地用短句,少用长句、难句。 3.注意分段且段落也宜短不宜长,尤其开头和结尾两段更应简短。 1.Write a letter to the Sunday Mail and express your opinion. Dear Sir or Madam, I think /believe that __________. I agree/disagree that ___________. I think it is fair/unfair for children to __________________________. I think children should/should not ____ because _______________. For example, they should/should not_________ because ________. Yours truly, __________ Step 4 Writing useful phrases : help with housework and chores at home have enough stress from school spend the time on school work in order to… There is no need for them to… It is important for sb. to do sth. It’s not enough to… develop children’s independence The more…, the more… 2. read each other’s letters and check letters each other . 3.Choose the best letters in the groups. 4. Show the best letters, read them to the class .


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