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Reading comprehension(拟题人:蔡素素) A. MILLBURN, NEW JERSEY — An 11-year- old boy who gave up televisi on for a year in a bet (打赌)with his mother says he' lUse some of the money to buy himself An astr on aut sus. The bet ended at 9:o1 on Mon day morning, but Benjam in Barreaux waited until his mother, Roslyn, handed him five 100-dollar bills in front of a gatheri ng of n ewspaperme n in the after noon before switch ing on the TV. During the past year, he has filled his time reading and his gradeS(数)have improved from “satisfactory ” to “very good ”. ( )1. Who lost a bet to whom? The boy ' s motyer to his father. Benjamin ' s father to Roslyn. Benjamin to his mother. Roslyn to Benjamin . ( )2.For how long had the boy kept himself from tur ning on the TV? From Mon day morni ng till after noon. For one year and several hours. For one year and a day. For one year . ()3.Why did the mother ha nd the bills to the boy? Because his grades had improved. Because she had won some mon ey. Because he wan ted to buy an astr on aut ' s suit. Because she had give n him her promise. ( )4.Why do you think the n ewspaperme n came? They came to judge who should be the winner. They came to con gratulate the winner. They cane for the mon ey. They came for the n ews. ( )5.The mother obviously believed that childre n should n't watch TV too much. childre n should n't have their own mon ey. childre n should n't be regarded asheir pare nts ' equals childre n ' in terest in space should be en couragedBDDA.) B. Disney decided to build his park in Califor nia, and in 1952 he bega n to buy land . This proved to be a difficult task, since the land he wan ted was owned by no fewer tha n twenty families. In 1954, he sent four members of his staff around the Un ited States look ing for ideas at established amuseme nt parks. The only idea on which they found gen eral agreeme nt was that Disney was crazy. Owners of other parks said it was impossible to succeed without dan gerous rides and using methods that


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