惬意的午后时光语录 英国农场里的惬意时光.docVIP

惬意的午后时光语录 英国农场里的惬意时光.doc

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  World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms(简称WWOOF),即“全球有机农场体验”活动,起源于上世纪70年代的英国,其初衷是面向都市人推出一种“以工换食宿”的农村生活体验方式,而发达国家从上世纪70年代开始轰轰烈烈进行的“有机食品”运动也大大促进了WWOOF的发展。   依据WWOOF的准则,旅人可以到参与WWOOF计划的有机农场干活,每天只需劳作4到6个小时就可赚取农场提供的免费食宿。由于参与WWOOF计划的农场不向旅人支付薪酬,所以安排的农活都比较轻松,大多为播种、除草、收割、施肥、砍柴、挤牛奶等。而工作结束后,旅人也有足够的时间到附近游玩。如今,WWOOF已演变为一种全世界范围内的集旅游、劳动体验及文化交流于一体的特殊旅行方式。全世界已有包括中国在内的60多个国家加入了WWOOF活动,详情可登陆WWOOF官方网站省略/查阅。   本期,节选了一位WWOOFer在英国两个有机农场体验农村生活后写下的游记,让我们赶紧一同来细细品味本文作者Scott和同伴坦尼娅在英国农场里度过的惬意时光吧!   Earlier this summer I escaped my desk job to participate in an agricultural work exchange program called World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF). Through WWOOF, my partner Tanya and I arranged to stay on two farms, one in England for three weeks and another on a remote Scottish island for ten days. Working on the farms, though 1)muddy and sometimes 2)strenuous, made for a wonderful break from the office.   Radford Mill in the hilly country near 3)Bath was our first farm. A large operation by organic standards, the 80 acre farm grows vegetables and raises sheep, cows, pigs, and chickens. Everything is rooted in the principles of organic agriculture. The farm plants a variety of crops, uses 4)manure to 5)replenish the soil, and applies no pesticides or fertilizers.   WWOOF volunteers work in exchange for room and board. Tanya and I were given a room on the second floor of the eighteenth century farmhouse. There were 11 other people living on the farm at the time we visited: three volunteers from Germany, six long-term workers from England, the farm manager, Susan, and her 5-year-old daughter. Besides the last two people everyone was in their twenties.   Although in many ways a throw back to the sixties―almost everyone at the farm is a contemporary hippie―Radford Mill is a serious little business. The farm sells its produce in a shop in nearby 6)Bristol and at a weekly farmers’ market.   The typical work day at Radford Mill starts around seven and lasts until around 3:00 pm. In a given day,


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