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晋城一中2015年十二月月考英语试题 (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分) 一 ?单项选择(15题,每题1分,共15分) He tried to escape taking cide nt. A. possibility B. resp on sibility C. charge D. duty ---How do you like the recorder? --- It can t help ________ my spoke n En glish and I can t help it away. A. improvi ng; throw B. to improve; throw C. to improve; throwi ng D. improvi ng; throw ing The law requires equal treatme nt for all, race,sex or origi n. A. regardless of B. in stead of C.i n spite of D. tha nks to ---What do you think has made Tom feel down? ---- his seat in the electio n, I thi nk. A. As he lost B. Lost C. Los ing D. Because of los ing I feel really guilty because I some cruel remarks on my best frie nd. A. made B. took C. got D. used 6 .---Will he come to our dinner? --- He says that he will not come . A. uni ess being in vitec 1 B. if inviting C. uni ess in vited D. if in vited 7 .Is this museum you visited a few days ago? A. where B. the one C. that D. on which 8 .Mr. Harris apologized for the childre n the lady what they had done. A. to;to B. to; for C .for; to D. for; for 9 .Little Tomadmitted in the exam in ati on, givi ng the teacher his word that he wouldn t do that again. A. to cheat B. being cheated C. havi ng cheated D. to have cheated The value of the teach ing method the in terest it in spires in the stude nts. A. con sists of B. is con sisted of C. con sists with D. con sists in I feel it is your husba nd who d child. A. is to blame B. is going to blame C. is to be blamed D. should blame --- The weather forecast says it II be fine tomorrow. --- , what about going hik ing ? A. If possible B. If n ecessary C. If so D. If real The poster was revised the suggesti ons of other group members. A. based on B. to base on C. bas ing on D. which based on 14.lt last ni ght, for the ground is wet outside. A .would be raining B. would have rained C. must rain D. must have rained 15.---Stude nts should devote most of their time to study ing rather tha n play ing computer games. --- .No pa


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