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overpopulation; ;Listening 1;Tapescript of 1;Listening 2;Tapescript of 2;Listening 3;Tapescript of 3;Possible Solutions for shoplifting :( Exercise 3, P210 );Pre-Reading; ; A 1) suppress 2) fulfillment 3) salaried 4) resentment 5) unsupervised 6) perfect (v.) 7) constantly 8) impact 9) candidly 10) burden 11) opportunity 12) assistance ;Translation;5.在我看来你没有什么选择。(it seems to me) 6.考虑到他们缺乏经验,这工作他们已做得相当不错了。(given) 7.对这么一幢大房子来说这价格相当便宜,但你得考虑修理所需要得钱。(take into consideration) 8.我们能否从讨论上次会议引起的问题开始?(arise from);Language Points:;4.“… given the reality of the situation …” ( l. 47) “given”为介词,意为 “考虑到,鉴于。” e.g. — Given that there was so little time, I think they’ve done a good job. “given”也可作形容词,意为 “规定的,特定的。” e.g. — The goods have to be sold at the given price.;Sentence-Making Game;Debate;Against: — Piracy is against the Copyright Law / violates the intellectual property right; — Both the authors and the publishers may suffer big losses; —Piracy is an act of disrespect for the authors; —Piracy gives rise to low-quality books, etc. and there is no way to trace the sources; —Piracy damages our country’s image, which puts our country in a disadvantageous position in some international negotiations.;


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