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Intermediate Course of Translation What is translation? Translation means translating meaning. —— Eugene A. Nida What is meaning? What’s the meaning of DUCK? I like roast Beijing duck. She is a sweet old duck. Will a duck swim? The young couple had a duck of boy. Be a duck and help me with this. Let’s duck in the bar for a drink. Causes of mis-translating Polysemy Eg. After all my care in packing it, the clock arrived broken. After the way he treated me I never want to see him again. Polysemy He took the ball away from an incompetent manager. Have a ball on your trip. Some good friends are carrying the ball for us. collocation They backed into the champion. He was backed into by a careless driver this morning. collocation Turn about is fair play. He is not about to waste any time. collocation The driving belt took charge and ran out. Technical Terms Industrial averages were up. If a particular cargo is partially damaged, the damage is called particular average. Culture-related Allusion 典故: myth/ fables/ fairy tales/ literary works/ the Bible/ historical people or events Proverb/ idiom/ slang/ colloquialism Figure of speech … Culture-related E.g. The book is right under the arm. A bear in the air! He is a bear at mathematics. More beef! He is real cold on the subject. He has got plenty of beef. They are putting beef into the campaign. He will listen to anybody’s beef against the President. Culture-related He threw us an apple of discord and we soon quarreled again. His Achilles’ heel was his pride—he would get very angry if anyone criticized his work. you are the salt of the earth. Idioms The car cost me a small fortune. Most students were absent from the lesson, he was among the rest. Mr. King likes the hair-dresser because she always brown-noses him. Jake ate his words in public. Idioms I shall not expect you till I see you. Expect me when you see me. The general manage gave Mike the bird. She has given him a brush. I didn’t like the fru


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