AI简介 人工智能AI.ppt

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人工智能原理 教师:欧元汉 办公室:院楼 716 电话: 3274918 ouyuanhan@ QQ : 5970453 教材: S. Russell and P. Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 中译本 本周安排 ? AI 简介 (Russell and Norvig: Chap. 1 and 2) ? 课程总览 ? AI 应用 Act like humans Act rationally Think like humans Think rationally What is AI? (RN) Discipline that systematizes and automates reasoning processes to create machines that: ? AI 的目标是创建这样的一个计算机系统,该系统用于执行那 些原本依赖人的智能才能完全的任务。 ? ? AI 方法论:接受那些人才能做好(或做得更好)的任务 ? 定理证明 Prove a theorem ? 下棋 Play chess ? 外科手术规划 Plan a surgical operation ? 疾病诊断 Diagnose a disease ? 在建筑物内自如的行走 Navigate in a building 并建立一个计算机系统自动的完成这样的任务 ? 但是我们是否要把人类思维与行为中不完美的地方同样的进行 复制呢? Act like humans Act rationally Think like humans Think rationally ? 这里,计算机怎样去执行一个任务无关紧要 ? 重要的是一步一步合理的执行 ? ? 建立及处理符号知识的能力(定义,概念,定 理, …… ? 低层次的推理活动之间是如何相互影响的,例如如何 由杂乱的信号到符号的描述? Act like humans Act rationally Think like humans Think rationally 机器是否能够智能的行动 / 思考? “If there were machines which bore a resemblance to our bodies and imitated our actions as closely as possible for all practical purposes, we should still have two very certain means of recognizing that they were not real men. The first is that they could never use words, or put together signs, as we do in order to declare our thoughts to others… Secondly, even though some machines might do some things as well as we do them, or perhaps even better, they would inevitably fail in others, which would reveal that they are acting not from understanding, …” Discourse on the Method, by Descartes (1598-1650) 图灵测试 (Turing Test): ? /entries/turing-test/ ? 阿兰 . 图灵( Alan Turing ) 1950 年提出 ? 房间内的计算机要求对人类质询者提出的问题进行 回答,如果根据这些问题的回答,若人类质询者无 法判断这些响应来自于人还是计算机,则说这样的 机器系统通过了图灵测试 ? 要求具备的能力:自然语言处理,知识表示,自动 推理,学习, …… ? 无身体接触 ? Chinese Room (J. Searle) 机器是否能够智能的行动 / 思考? ? Chinese Room (J. Searle) ? Searle 不认为人造的系统可以产生意识。他 的「 中文室( Chinese Room ) 」思考实验,就 是设计


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