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项目计划(PP);问题:;Specific Goals;SP 1.2 Establish Estimates of Work Product and Task Attributes; Establish and maintain estimates of the attributes of the work products and tasks. 建立工作产品与工作任务属性的估计值;建立并维护工作产品与工作任务属性的估计值。;SP 1.3 Define Project Lifecycle; Define the project lifecycle phases on which to scope the planning effort. 定义项目生命周期;定义项目的生命周期阶段,并据此来建立计划的工作量范围。;SP 1.4 Determine Estimates of Effort and Cost; Estimate the project effort and cost for the work products and tasks based on estimation rationale. 确定工作量与成本的估计值;根据估计(估算)原理,估计(估算)工作产品和任务属性所需的工作量和成本。;SP 2.1 Establish the Budget and Schedule; Establish and maintain the project’s budget and schedule. 建立预算和日程表(进度);建立并维护项目的预算和进度。;SP 2.2 Identify Project Risks; Identify and analyze project risks. 识别项目风险;识别并分析项目风险。;SP 2.3 Plan for Data Management; Plan for the management of project data. 计划数据管理;计划项目数据的管理。;常见提问: 1、项目开发过程中,除了开发产物,对其他相关开发资料等如何进行管理的? 2、制定了相关计划吗? 3、项目计划过程还有哪些文档? 4、项目开始之前有没有数据管理计划?;SP 2.4 Plan for Project Resources; Plan for necessary resources to perform the project. 计划项目资源;计划执行项目所必需的资源。;SP 2.5 Plan for Needed Knowledge and Skills; Plan for knowledge and skills needed to perform the project. 计划所需知识和技能;计划执行项目所需的知识和技能。;SP 2.6 Plan Stakeholder Involvement; Plan the involvement of identified stakeholders. 计划干系人的参与;计划已识别的干系人的参与。;SP 2.7 Establish the Project Plan; Establish and maintain the overall project plan content. 建立项目计划;建立并维护总体的项目计划内容。;SP 3.1 Review Plans that Affect the Project; Review all plans that affect the project to understand project commitments. 评审影响项目的计划;评审影响项目的所有计划,以了解项目承诺。;SP 3.2 Reconcile Work and Resource Levels; Reconcile the project plan to reflect available and estimated resources. 调整工作与资源等级;调整项目计划,以反映可???的和预估的资源。;SP 3.3 Obtain Plan Commitment; Obtain commitment from relevant stakeholders responsible for performing and supporting plan execution. 获取计划承诺;从负责执行和支持计划执行的相关干系人处获得承诺。;PP常见问题;PP重点;PP需要准备的相关资料


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