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The Professional : 《这个杀手不太冷》 ;This is a story about the love between a girl and a killer …;characters ;Name: Léon Job: Professional assassin Rule: No women, No kids Best friend :rootless orchid plants Character :cool;silent;good heart Life: (simple and lonely)several glasses of milk a day ;see films alone; sleep alone on the chair with one eye open; wipe his plants every day When Mathilda came for help,he took her in and later taught her his job. ;Name: Mathilda Life: She had a father ,a step mother, a step sister and little half brother. Character :young brave stubborn Mature inside ;Name: Stanfield or Stan Job: DEA Police(缉毒警察) Interest: music Beethoven He killed Mathilda‘s families because her father stole drugs. When Mathilda came for revenge, he caught her. ;About the story;She is a traitorous girl with a half family,with a miserable childhood. Mathildas family are killed because of drug. And Léon saves her. ;Leon is a hitman, and happy with his life. When a young girl comes home to find her family has been killed by a drug dealer, she runs to him for help. When she discovers he is a hitman, she asks him to teach her the skills to take her revenge. ;With time passing by ,the young girl told Leon she loved him .Leon was very surprised .He could not accept the 12-year-old girl’s love .He told a sad love story to the girl, a story why he became a killer .But Leon did not find that his life without hope was changing by the girl .And there was a feeling different from friendship in them . ;She never minds the gap between him and her. She never cares about what other people think of them.; She made a dangerous experiment; Mathilda:I hope youre not lying. Leon. I really hope that deep down inside theres no love in you. Because if there is...just a little bit of love in there for me...I think that in a few minutes youll regret you never


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