cold war。美苏冷战 英语版。最全最完整的版本。啵啵独家制作(汇总).ppt

cold war。美苏冷战 英语版。最全最完整的版本。啵啵独家制作(汇总).ppt

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US vs. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Democracy vs. Communism Capitalism vs. Socialism 1.What is Cold War? 2.why did USA exert the policy of Cold War? The essence of Cold War 3.The performance of USA and USSR in politic,economy,military science…… 4.Which event marked the begin and Which event marked the end of Cold War? 5.The process of Soviet hegemony 6.The efforts of the Cold War outline 何谓“冷战” (What is Cold War) 冷战是指:1947年——1991年间美国为首的西方资本主义国家和苏联为首社会主义国家两个阵营除直接交战以外,在经济、政治、军事、外交、文化、意识形态等各方面都处于对抗状态的时期。 Cold War refers to:1947--1991 years the United States led western capitalist countries and the Soviet Union socialist countries two camps in addition to the direct engagement, in economic, political, military, diplomatic, cultural, ideological and other aspects are in a state of confrontation period. The u.s.-led campaign of capitalism Soviet union socialist camp Policy Truman socialist杜鲁门主义 European communist party Economy Marshall plan 马歇尔计划 Help each other经互会 German problem Piecing together the federal republic of Germany Bolster democracy Germany Military Established NATO 两大军事集团对立形成 Plan Warsaw Treaty Organization华沙条约组织 两大阵营与军事集团 社会主义阵营:苏联为首华沙条约组织(华约1955) The socialist camp 资本主义阵营:美国为首北大西洋公约组织(北约1949) The capitalist camp 美苏争霸的过程 阶段划分 第一阶段 第二阶段 第三阶段 时间 苏联领导人 美国领导人 重大事件 争霸特点 实力对比 50年代中期至60年代中期 赫鲁晓夫 肯尼迪 第二次柏林危机 古巴导弹危机 缓和紧张 优势在美 80年代 戈尔巴乔夫 里根 美转强硬 苏联收缩 60年代中期至70年代末 勃列日涅夫 尼克松 阿富汗战争 苏攻美守 Beginning of war: The historians have so far not reached any agreement on the time in which the Cold War began. It is, however, quite safe to say that since 1947 when President Truman of the United States declared an anti-communist policy, the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union has begun. Truman Doctrine ? 杜鲁门主义 Causes of Cold War There were deep-rooted ideological, economic and political differences between the United States and the Soviet Union before the Second World War. These differences


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