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Chinese OperaKun Opera 昆曲Yu Opera 豫剧Kun Opera 昆曲Kun Opera is one of the oldest Chinese operas. It was born in the late Yuan Dynasty in Kunshan area, Jiangsu Province. The performance of Kun Opera has its unique system and style. It is most characterized by its rich emotion and skillful combination of singing and dancing. Many works of Kun Opera praise the romantic ancient love stories. The Peony Pavilion, the representative work of Kun Opera, is ever lasting in Chinese drama literature. Now, the appeal for protecting traditional culture would help Kun Opera back to its prosperity again.昆曲是中国最古老的戏曲剧种之一,起源于元朝末年江苏昆山地区。昆曲的表演有它独特的体系和风格。它最大的特点就是感情丰富,歌唱和舞蹈巧妙结合。许多昆曲剧目都是歌颂 浪漫的古代爱情故事。昆曲代表作《牡丹亭》是中国戏曲文学中的不朽之作。如今人们对保护传统文化的呼吁将有助于昆曲重新走向繁荣。Kun Opera 昆曲It is so mild温婉, exquisite细腻, sentimental多愁善感, and melodious 优美的。昆剧行腔优美,以缠绵婉转、柔漫悠远见长。The libretto (剧本)usually focuses on a story of romantic love. 昆剧剧本通常是讲述浪漫的爱情故。Kun Opera singing emphasizes(强调) control of the voice and changes in rhythms(节奏 韵律)昆曲演唱强调声音的控制和节奏的变化。Singers must also use their skills to express the disposition (性情)of various characters, an aspect that adds complexity to the form. 演唱者也必须运用他们的技巧去表现不同人物的性情,这一方面增加了该形式的复杂性。Musical Instruments笛箫 The musical ensemble合奏 is mainly composed of wind吹奏乐器, stringed弦乐, and percussion instruments打击乐器. The lead instrument of the wind section and the entire ensemble is the di (a side-blown在一边吹奏的 bamboo flute长笛). It is accompanied by a xiao (vertical垂直的, end-blown bamboo flute), a suona (horn喇叭 唢呐), and a sheng (reed pipe簧片 芦苇 管). The string section consists of a pipa (fretted lute琵琶). The percussion section is equipped with guban (clappers鼓班), a luo and bo. Because the bamboo flute provides the main accompaniment, Kun Opera is characterized by smooth and mellifluous流畅的 甜美的 music.唢呐琵琶笙鼓锣钹MasterpieceThe Peony Pavilion (Tang Xianzu) 汤显祖的牡丹亭The Peach Blossom Fan (Kong Shangren)孔尚任的桃花扇 The Palace of Long Life (Hong Sheng) 洪升的长生殿The White Snake 白蛇传The Western Mansion (Southern version, adapte


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