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贝尔纳在生理学的多方面作出卓越贡献,特别重要的是他提出的内环境概念已成为生理学中的一个指导性理论。他指出血浆和其他细胞外液乃是动物机体的内环境,是全身细胞直接生活的环境,内环境理化因素如温度、酸碱度和渗透压等的恒定是保持生命活动的必要条件。 ., * 德国的所创造的记纹器(Kymograph)长期以来成为生理学实验室的必备仪器。 Carl Ludwig (1816 ~ 1895) * 路德维希 Carl Ludwig ., * Ludwig exercised enormous influence on the progress of physiology, not only by the discoveries he made, but also by the new methods and apparatus he introduced to its service. he showed that secretory glands, such as the submaxillary, are more than mere filters, and that their secretory action is attended by chemical and thermal changes both in themselves and in the blood passing through them. Ludwig demonstrated the existence of a new class of secretory nerves that control this action, and by showing that if the nerves are appropriately stimulated the salivary glands continue to secrete, even though the animal be decapitated, ., * He initiated the method of experimenting with excised organs. He devised the kymograph as a means of obtaining a written record of the variations in the pressure of the blood in the blood vessels; This apparatus not only conducted him to many important conclusions respecting the mechanics of the circulation, but afforded the first instance of the use of the graphic method in physiological inquiries. ., * 海登海因(Rudolf Peter Heidenhain, 1834~1897) 与路德维希同时代的德国生理学家 首次运用慢性的小胃制备法来研究胃液分泌的机制,他设计制备的小胃被称为海登海因小胃(Heidenhain pouch) 这一小胃制备法后来经俄国著名生理学家巴甫洛夫( Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, 1849~1936)改进为巴甫洛夫小胃( Pavlov pouch ),分别证实了胃液分泌的调节既有体液机制又有神经机制,因而他们都对消化生理做出了不朽的贡献。 ., * Rebirth of physiology About 1840, a number of young medical doctors in Germany became proponents of the concept ‘medicine = science’ and proposed that science should be introduced in the medical curriculum. This ended the romantic philosophical period, in part also thanks to Rudolf Virchow, founder of cellular pathology. Teachers and students in medicine demanded better understanding of (human) functional processes to be able to provide good patient care. Quite suddenly



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