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时间数字转换器 应用指南 使用 TDC-GP22 时间数字转换器的激光测距仪 28th January 2014 Document-No: AN034_en.pdf V1.3 AN034 Published by acam-messelectronic gmbh ?acam-messelectronic gmbh 2014 Disclaimer / Notes “Preliminary” product information describes a product which is not in full production so that full information about the product is not available yet. Therefore, acam-messelectronic gmbh (“acam”) reserves the right to modify this product without notice. The information provided by this data sheet is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed by acam for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties that may result from its use. The information is subject to change without notice and is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind (expressed or implied). All other brand and product names in this document are trademarks or service marks of their respective owners. Support / Contact For a complete listing of Direct Sales, Distributor and Sales Representative contacts, visit the acam web site at: For technical support you can contact the acam support team in the headquarters in Germany or the Distributor in your country. The contact details of acam in Germany are: or by phone +49-7244-74190. acam messelectronic gmbh - Friedrich-List-Str.4 - 76297 Stutensee - Germany - AN034 内容 1 介绍 2 1.1 Time-of-Flight 2 2 测量范围从 0 到 300m 5 2.1 具有独立校准的单次测量 6 2.2 带有自动校准的单次测量 10 3 测量范围从 75 米 到 公里级别 12 4 宽范围应用 15 5 示例代码 18 5.1 Detailed Flow Chart 18 5.2 Example Code 19 6 其他 24 6.1 参考资料 24 6.2 材料指南 25 6.3 文档历史记录 25 acam messelectronic gmbh - Friedrich-List-Str.4 - 76297 Stutensee - Germany - 1 ime-to- igital- onverter TDC-GP22 1 介绍 有几种不同的方法来实现一个激光测距仪。原理上它们是相似的,都是发射光脉冲,然后接受。一旦 返回脉冲被接收到,一些简单的算术和几何公式被用来计算光脉冲的飞行距离。 例如: ? 三角测量 ? 调频连续波 ? 飞行时间 ? … 这些不同的方法都有自己的优,缺点: 测量距离 精度 评论 三角测量 10 米 几 μm 依赖于表面,便宜,结实 调频连续波 200 米 近似 10 cm 低生产成本,测量速度慢 飞行时间 几公里 几 mm 反应时间短,价格昂贵,没 有光圈 眼睛


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