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复杂网络仿真平台 摘要 复杂网络的概念已经在计算机、生物、物理以及社会科学等各个领域中得到广泛的应用。 尽管复杂网络的类型举不胜举,但是所有的复杂网络都可以用共同的模型——图来描述。 Pajek以网络图的模型为基础,以六种数据类型为形式,以其快速有效性和人性化的特点, 为复杂网络的分析提供了一个仿真平台。它集成了一系列快速有效的算法用于分析复杂网络 的拓扑结构,包括从局部的角度分析网络节点和边的性质、利用抽象化的手段分析网络的全 局结构、实现各种类型网络图之间的相互转换以及随即图的生成等。Pajek利用一个三维的 可视化界面,为用户提供了一系列可视化工具。允许用户通过手动或者自动的调节节点位置、 旋转网络图等方法,从视觉的角度直观地分析网络模型。此外,Pajek中的宏文件允许用户 将一系列常用的操作保存为一个文件,从而能够有效地满足各种类型用户的不同需求。本文 将结合具体的实例,分章节讨论 Pajek 在分析复杂网络拓扑结构中的应用。 关键词:复杂网络,可视化,抽象化,有向图,无向图,权值 EMULATOR OF COMPLEX NETWORK ABSTRACT The idea of complex network, with thousands of vertices and lines, have been widely applied in many different areas, including computer, biology, physics and social science, to name but a few. Although the types of complex networks are innumerable, all of them can be described by a common model, which is known as graph. Based on graphs and using six data structures, Pajek, which is very efficient and humanized, is a program designed for the emulation of complex network. The basic set of efficient algorithms are implemented in it to analyze the topology of complex networks, including analysis of the local nature of vertices and lines, abstraction to get a global view of network, transformation between different types of networks, generating random networks and so on. Pajek provide the user with some powerful visualization tools on a three-dimensioned reference frame. The user can further improve the picture manually or automatically by moving vertices or spin. Moreover, we can define an often used sequence of elementary operations as a macro and run it as a single command. Using systems of macros, Pajek is adapted to special groups of users. In this article, with some typical examples, the main applications of Pajek are discussed to analysis the topology of complex networks. Keywords: complex network, visualization, abstraction, directed network, undirected network, weight 目 录 1 引言 1 1.1 复杂网络的基本概念以及研究历史 1 1.2 Pajek 的产生背景 2 2 Pajek 的主要特点 3 2.1 计算的快速性 3 2.2 可视化 4 2.3 抽象化 4 3 Pajek 的数据结构 6


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