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Unit4 Drawing in the park 魏集小学 梁婷 Story time What to learn(学什么): 我能朗读故事。 我能表演故事。 How to learn(怎么学): 专心听讲。 积极举手发言。 与同伴合作。 What can you do? draw 画 He can draw some pictures. 画一些图片 What can I draw? 常州恐龙园 Lets enjoy 北京世界公园 上海世纪公园 香港海洋公园 重庆中央公园 伦敦海德公园 美国迪斯尼公园 荷兰郁金香公园 What can you see in the park? I can see … hill lake boat river flower Look and guess Drawing in the park What are they doing in the park? 他们在公园干什么? What do they draw in the park? 观看动画,说出他们在公园里所画的事物。 Watch and tick What do they draw in the park? Watch and tick a tree a boat flowers Read and judge Can Tim draw all of them very well? easy 容易的 difficult 困难的 Tips:自读课文,在书上将Tim能画得好的东西标上五角星,画得不好的东西标上三角形。 Listen and repeat 好主意! Listen and repeat What can you see over there? I can see a tree and some flowers. Can you draw them? Listen and repeat This is the tree and those are the flowers. Well done. Listen and repeat Can you see the boat on the river? Yes. Can you draw it? It’s difficult, but I can try. Listen and repeat 表示重读 表示降调 表示升调 表示停顿 Tip: 1、自己读课文,注意语音、语调、语气哦! 2、注意阅读记号,可以帮助你读得更好听哦! Read the story Read the story Try to act Read fluently 流利的朗读 Read fluently and beautifully 流利、优美的朗读 Act it out emotionally 有感情地表演 Tips:同桌表演,注意要求哦。 Try to talk 现在我们也来到公园,大家看到些什么?试着用我们所学的句子来谈谈吧。 Useful sentences: What can you see? I can see … Can you draw / ride/ play/ fly a …? Yes, it’s easy./ It’s difficult, but I can try. Whatever it is difficult, we should have a try. 无论事情有多难,我们都应该试一试。 Let’s know Summary What can you do now? 回忆一下,通过今天的课,你学会了做哪些事儿?相互说说自己的收获! I can sing read chant talk about say … … Homework 听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。 和同桌编一段在公园里的对话。


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