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精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 精选 课件 Omission(减词译法,减词法) Definition: Opposite to the method of amplification, omission is however not contradictory to it. On the contrary, omission is supplementary to amplification. It means that some words or expressions may be omitted in translation in order to make the version brief, concise, clear, not verbose or clumsy. In English, ellipsis means the omission of a word or words necessary for complete grammatical construction. The native speakers of English usually suppress a great many things in their modes of expressions. It seems that the English language is marked by its love of economy and simplicity of construction. Ellipsis might be one of the word-saving and economy-saving devices. So what is considered necessary, indispensable, and even a characteristic feature in Chinese language may be deemed useless, superfluous, and even a stumbling block in the English language and thus can be omitted in translation ., * (一) Omit some recurring (repetitive ) words in the original 1.这架电视机真是价廉物美. This television set is usually cheap (in price) and fine (in quality). 2. 那个小伙子有点楞头楞脑的. That young fellow is somewhat rash (in the head). 3.在中国,离开了武装斗争,就没有无产阶级的地位,就没有人民的地位,就没有共产党的地位. Without armed struggle, neither the proletariat, nor the people, nor the Communisit Party would have any standing at all in China. 4.他们为国家做的事,比我们所做的多的多. They have done much more for the state than we have. 5.中国人民历来是勇于探索、勇于创造、勇于革命的。 The people of China have always been courageous enough to probe into things, to make inventions and to make revolutions. 6.你要觉得合适就干, 不合适就不干.你自个看着办吧. Go ahead if you think the job suits you and don’t if not. It’s all up to you to decide. ., * 7.他们为国家所做的贡献比我们所做的贡献要大的多。 They have done much more contributions for the state than we have。 8。责任制度,条件成熟了的就可以实行,条件不成熟的的不要实行。 The system of job responsibility can be adopted where the conditions are ripe, and not otherwise. 9.这是革命


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