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叮叮小文库 叮叮小文库 PAGE PAGE # Unit 10 The Largest Recipie nt of Foreig n Capital 引资第一大国 At the China Conference 政治协商会上:The Year of Capital, held i n Beijing on December 4, Shi Guangsheng 石广生,Minister of Foreign T rade and Economic Cooperation, said that in 2002, for the first time, Chi na became the largest recipie nt 接受者 of foreig n direct inv estme nt (FDI)外商直接投资 in the world. He predicted that this years FDI in China would exceed $ 50 billion. 在12月4日于北京举行的“中国会议: 资本年”上,外经贸部部长说,2002年中国第一次成为世界上吸收外国直接投 资的“第一引资大国”。据他预计,中国今年利用外国直接投资将超过 500亿美 丿元。 Shi no ted that this achieveme nt has bee n accomplished through pos itive, rati onal 理性的 and effective measures for utilizi ng foreig n c apital 禾U用外资,under an overall situation of opening. 石广生表示: 这 一成就的取得是与全面开放的情况下, 积极、理性及有效地利用国外投资分不开 的。 China has maintained a strong mome ntum in utiliz ing foreig n capit al中国在利用外资过程中保持一种强劲的动力 ,while the FDI was declinin g globally 然而,直接利用外资在全球正呈下降趋势.Latest statistics fro m the Min istry of Foreig n Trade and Econo mic Cooperati on (MOFTEC) 对夕卜 贸易经济合作部的最新统计显示 show that by October 2002, the number of newly approved foreign-funded enterprises 夕卜资企业 had reached 27,630, an in crease of 35 perce nt over the same period of last year; con trac tual foreign capital hit 契约性外资达 $ 75 billion, a rise of 36 perc ent: and actual use of foreign capital came to 实际使用外资达 $ 44. 7 billio n, up 20 perce nt. 中国在全球外资直接投资不断下降的情况下,中国 依然保持着利用外资的强劲势头。外经贸的最新统计数据显示:到 2002年10 月,新批准设立的外商投资企业达 27630家,比去年同期增长35%合同外商投 资金额达750亿美元,增长36%实际外商投资447亿美元,增长了 20% Accordi ng to the latest UN world inv estme nt report, Chi na has 排 名第一 among develop ing coun tries and regi ons for nine con secutive years 连续九年 in terms of attracting foreign capital 吸引外资,Shi said. He added that 400 of the worlds top 500 corporations 世界 500 强企业 h ave set up enterprises in China. Moreover, the number of research and developme nt in stituti ons established by foreig n bus in esses reached 4 00 in 2002, the number of foreig n-fun ded en terprises totaled 420,


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