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j【TRANSLATION 】 专题一中国节日及相关表达 春节 the Spring Festival / Chin ese lunar Near Year 农历正月初一 农历 年终大扫除 春联 the first day of the first lunar month lunar cale ndar year-e nd household clea ning Spring Festival couplets 年画 剪纸 团圆饭 饺子 春晚 守岁 除夕 辞旧迎新 拜年 红包 压岁钱 放爆竹 庙会 禁忌 禁忌、 New Year pictures paper-cuts family reunion dinner jiaozi Spring Festival Gala stay up late on the New Year s Eve Eve of Chin ese New Year ring out the old year and ring in the new pay a New Year visit red packets lucky money let off firecrackers temple fair taboo 兀宵节 Lantern Festival 农历止月十五 元宵 花灯 灯谜 灯会 烟花 15th day of the first lunar month rice dumpli ngs festival la ntern lantern riddle exhibit of lanterns fireworks 叮叮小文库 叮叮小文库 PAGE PAGE # 端午节Dragon Boat Festival 农历五月初五 5th of the fifth lunar month 粽子 zon gzi 糯米 sticky rice 粽叶 bamboo leaves 舞龙 drag on dance 舞狮 lion dance 踩高跷 stilt walk ing 赛龙舟 drag on-boat rac ing 纪念 in memory of 屈原 Quyua n 诗人 poet 忠臣 loyal min ister 清明节 Tomb-sweep ing Day 寒食节 Cold Food Festival 祭拜祖先 offer sacrifices to one 扫墓 sweep graves of one s an cestors s an cestors or loved ones 踏青 go for a spri ng out ing 农历八月十五 月饼 赏月 中国神话故事 嫦娥 后羿 15 th of the eighth lunar month moon cake appreciate the glorious full moon Chin ese mythology Chang e Hou Yi 中秋节 Mid-Autu mn Day / Moo n Festival 长生不老 be immortal 重阳节 Double Ni nth Day 赏菊 登高 admire the beauty of chrysa nthemum climb a height 七夕节 Double Seve nth Day /Chi nese Vale nti nes Day 银河 鹊桥 牛郎 织女 王母娘娘 乞巧 女红 the Milky Way bridge of magpies Cowherd the Weavi ng Maid the Quee n of Heave n pray in g-for-clever ness n eedlework 专题二—中国文化及相关表达 Part 1 中国文化 四大发明 the four great inven ti ons of ancient China 火药 gun powder 印刷术 printing 造纸术 paper-mak ing 指南针 the compass 文房四宝” Four Treasures of the Study 笔 writi ng brush 墨 ink stick 纸 paper 砚 ink slab 书法 calligraphy 中国画 traditi onal Chin ese pain ti ng 水墨画 Chin ese brush pain ti ng 雕刻 sculpture 泥人 clay figure 武术 martial arts 京剧 Pek ing opera 昆曲 Kunqu opera 相声 cross talk 中药 traditi onal Chin ese medic ine 中国结


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