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Output:Individuals Moving Range Chart I-MR 图结果 : 0 Subgroup 5 10 15 20 25 0.2495 0.2505 0.2515 0.2525 I n d i v i d u a l V a l u e 1 5 5 5 2 2 2 X=0.2509 3.0SL=0.2522 -3.0SL=0.2496 0.0000 0.0005 0.0010 0.0015 M o v i n g R a n g e 2 2 R=4.79E-04 3.0SL=0.001566 -3.0SL=0.000 I and MR Chart for Shaft_OD Take Aways — Variable Control Charts 连续数据控制图小结 ? Variable control charts can be used with continuous data to tell when a process is: 连 续数据控制图可以用来区分过程状态 : – experiencing only common cause variation and working at its intended best 过程只包含通常原因引起的偏差,处于受控状态 – when the process is disturbed and needs corrective action 过程受到干扰,需要采取纠正行动 ? 控制图 : – time ordered plot of data 描绘数据随时间的变化 – reflect the expected range of variation of the data 反映所期望的数据波动的范围 – identifies when a special cause appears to be influencing the data 识别何时特殊原因出现,影响数据分布 ? X-Bar R charts are used for plotting means and ranges of subgroups over time. Xbar-R 图用来描述子样的平均值和极差随时间的变化 ? I MR charts are used for plotting individual values and moving ranges over time. I-MR 图用来描述个体的数值和移动极差随时间的变化 Take Aways — Variable Control Charts 连续数据控制图小结 ? Control limits are typically calculated as 3 standard deviations away from the mean of the process. 控制极限一般是按过程中心值 +/- 3 个标准偏差计算出来的 ? Control limits and specification limits are not the same. 控制极限和规范极限是不一样的 – Control limits are calculated from the sample data; they are internal to the process 控制极限是根据样本数据计算得出的 ; 是过程的内部特征 – Specification limits are determined by your performance standard; they are external to the process 规范极限是由执行的标准决定的 ; 是过程的外部特征 ? Know when a process is out of control: Western Electric Rules. 知道过程何时失控 : Western Electric 规则 ? Control charts are only as good as the actions that you take to keep the process under control. 控制图和采取的纠正行动共同使过程保持受控 Attribute Control Charts 逻辑数据控制图 Selecting the Appropriate Control Chart 选择适当的控制图 Attribute Data 逻辑数据 Variable or Attribute Data? 连续 / 逻辑数据? Defects or % Defective 缺陷数 / 缺陷百 比 Constant Lot Size? 样本数不变? u p



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