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Unit 4 At the farm 人教版 ( 三年级起点 ) 四年级下册 Part B Lets learn Draw and say Sum-up Warm-up/Revision Presentation Test Homework ● Lets learn ● Draw and say I like tomatoes. I like potatoes. Carrots I will try. I love to eat green beans, But onions make me cry. Lets chant Warm-up/Revision cow 母牛;奶牛 Presentation /ka?/ 【复数形式】 cows 【例句】 How many cows are there in the picture? 图画里有几只奶牛 ? 羊;绵羊 sheep Presentation /?i?p/ 【注意】 sheep 是单复数同形的单词。 【例句】 Theres a sheep over there. 那儿有一只绵羊。 Look!These are sheep . 看 ! 这些是绵羊。 可爱的 cute 【巧记】 cut ( 剪 ; 切 ) + e = cute ( 可爱的 ) 【例句】 The baby is very cute . 那个婴儿很可爱。 游戏时间 Bomb Game horse seventeen cute those sheep sheep sheep hen cow these sheep animal Lets learn 点击“ Lets learn ”, 跟我一起读吧! 视 频 sheep cows hens horses These are sheep. Lets learn Wow!Theyre so cute. What are those? 那些是什么 ? 【 详解 】 这是由 what 引导的特殊疑问句 , 用来询问某物 是什么。 重点句型 【句型结构】 What + be 动词 (is/are) + 代词 ? 【回答】 代词 + be 动词 (is/are) + 名词 . What are these? They are sheep. 这些是什么 ? 它们是绵羊。 What is that? They are sheep. 那是什么 ? 它们是绵羊。 What are these? Its a dog. 这些是什么 ? 是一只狗。 Practice What are those? Theyre sheep. What are those? Theyre cows. These are hens. Theyre so cute.



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