
AS5101.5-2008 国外国际规范.pdf

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1 AS 5101.5—2008 Australian Standard® A S Methods for preparation and testing of stabilized 5 1 0 materials 1 . 5 — 2 0 Method 5: Absorption, swell and capillary rise of 0 8 compacted materials 1 SCOPE This Standard sets out the method for determining the water absorption, swell and capillary rise of water in compacted specimens of unbound, bound and self-cementing materials. Specimens tested using this Standard are not used for determining the unconfined compressive strength of the material. 2 REFERENCED DOCUMENTS The following documents are referred to in this Standard: AS 1141 Methods for sampling and testing aggregates 1141.1 Method 1: Definitions 1141.2 Method 2: Basic testing equipment 1152 Specification for test sieves 1289 Methods of testing soils for engineering purposes 12 Method 1.2.1: Sampling and preparation of soils—Disturbed samples— Standard method 12 Method 2.1.1: Soil moisture content tests—Determination of the moisture content of a soil—Oven drying method (standard method) 12 Method 5.1.1: Soil compaction and density tests—Determination of the dry 8 density/moisture content relati


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