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六年级英语质量检测 笔试部分(70 分) 一、按要求写单词或词组(10 分) 1. peach(复数形式) 3. three (序数词) 2. far (比较级) 4. heavy (反义词) 6. for (同音词) 5. I (名词性物主代词) 7. camping trip (中文) 9. stand in a line (中文) 8. 步行 (英文) 10.五月一日 (英文) 二、选择填空(10 分) 1. ( ) Don’t be late for school. A. All right. B. Good. C. Yes, it is. 2. ( ) Do you have ______brothers _____sisters? A. some,or 3. ( ) What’s your hobby? I like __________. B. any, and C. any ,or A. play basketball B. playing basketball C. are playing basketball 4.( ) Where _____ you just now? I _____ in the bedroom. A. are, am B. were, was C. were, am 5.( ) What does “No smoking” mean? It means we _______ ________ here. A. should smoke B. shouldn’t smoke 6. ( ) The10th of September is ___________ . A. Children’s Day B. Mid-autumn Day 7.( ) What ______ in the school bag? There ______ two books and a pencil case. C. shouldn’t smoking C. Teachers’ Day A. is, are 8.( ) Nancy is _______ at English than Yang Ling. A. good B. well 9.( ) Would you like ______ with me? A. fly kites B. flying kites 10.( ) What do the students do after school? B. are, are C. is, is C. better C. to fly kites They usually _______ their homework. But now they ______ the classroom. A. do, cleaning B. does, clean C. do, are cleaning 三、看图完成对话(10 分) A: Excuse me, ___________ are the boys? B: Look! They are __________ the playground. They are having a ____________ ____________. 1. A: _______ you ________ to see a play this weekend? B: No, we aren’t. 2. A: ___________ are you going to do? B: We are going to ________ _______ _________. 四、改错。(5 分) 1. ( 2. ( 3. ( 4. ( 5. ( ) The horse is as thinner as the cow . B C ) I like dogs, but she don’t. A B ) We often go walk in the countryside. A B ) Sorry. Can you tell me the way to the bus stop? ________ A ________ ________ ________ ________ C C A B C ) I meet your teacher two days ago. A B C 五、根据句意将下列句子排序,把序号写在题前的括号内。(5 分) ) After supper, he usually reads newspapers in the study. ( 1 ) Mr Smith teaches English in a primary school. ) He often goes home a


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