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Business English Gloria Objective Learn the skills of conducting of a meeting in each step, including beginning a meeting, during a meeting and concluding a meeting. Know how to prepare a business meeting either as an organizer or participant. Business English I General Introduction: Four Types of Business Meetings ? 一、 行政型会议 ( Administrative Meeting) 。它是商界的各个单位 所召开的工作性、执行性的会议。例如,行政会 (executive session) 、董事会 (board meeting) ,等等。 ? 二、 业务型会议 (business/operation meeting) 。它是商界的有关单 位所召开的专业性、技术性会议。例如,展览会 (exhibition) 、供 货会 (supply meeting) ,等等。 ? 三、 群体型会议 。它是商界各单位内部的群众团体或群众组织所 召开的非行政性、非业务性的会议,旨在争取群体权利,反映群 体意愿。例如,职代会、团代会,等等。 ? 四、 社交型会议 。它是商界各单位以扩大本单位的交际面为目的 而举行的会议。例如,茶话会、联欢会,等等。 2020/4/3 / 3 Business English I General Introduction ? All businesses have meetings to share information. ? Some are informal – around the “break” table ? Many are formal – a meeting is called, people gather at an appointed spot, there is a leader, minutes are written, and there are rules for discussion. ? The larger the group, the more formal the meeting structure is. 2020/4/3 / 4 Business English I General Introduction: Meeting Forms ? 圆桌会议 ? round-table conference ? 视频会议 ? video conference ? 电话会议 ? teleconference 2020/4/3 / 5 Business English II Video Clip Discussion What is a business meeting? 2020/4/3 / 6 Business English III Terms ? Agenda ? Amendments ? Motion ? Second a motion ? Adjourn ? Parliamentary Procedure 议会程序 修正 附议 / 补充意见 动议 / 议案 休会 议事日程 2020/4/3 / 7 Business English III Terms ? Refer to a committee ? Rising vote ? Voice vote ? Secret ballot ? Roll call 提交给委员会 起立表决 点名 不记名投票 口头表决 2020/4/3 / 8 Business English IV How to Hold a Business Meeting ? Section 1 Definition A meeting is a group of people who are gathered for a shared purpose. A. The key to a good meeting is planning. B. Planned meetings have value to all members. C. The main reasons meetings are held are to: 1. Carry out the affairs of an organization. 2. Present information. 3. Solicit different op


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