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信息安全技术 密码技术;第0章 绪论;密码学与信息安全;互联网困境;Overview of Cryptography;Mathematical Background;Some information security objectives;密码学分类 ;第1章 密码学基础;§1.1 密码学的历史与发展;§1.2基础术语;点对点通信;消息与加密;鉴别、完整性与抗抵赖;算法与密钥;对称算法与公开密钥算法;密码分析与密码攻击;§1.3密码政治; 第2章传统密码学;§2.1 传统密码学简介;§2.2 DES;§2.3 IDEA;§2.4 RC系列;§2.5 AES Candidate和Rijndeal;§2.6分组密码工作模式;Electronic Codebook (ECB) mode;Electronic Codebook Mode;Cipher Block Chaining Mode;Cipher Block Chaining Mode;In CBC encryption, the first input block is formed by exclusive-ORing the first block of the plaintext with the IV. The forward cipher function is applied to the first input block,and the resulting output block is the first block of the ciphertext. This output block is also exclusive-ORed with the second plaintext data block to produce the second input block, and the forward cipher function is applied to produce the second output block. This output block, which is the second ciphertext block, is exclusive-ORed with the next plaintext block to form the next input block. Each successive plaintext block is exclusive-ORed with the previous output/ciphertext block to produce the new input block. The forward cipher function is applied to each input block to produce the ciphertext block. ;Cipher Feedback (CFB) mode;Cipher Feedback Mode;Output Feedback (OFB) mode;Output Feedback Mode;In OFB encryption, the IV is transformed by the forward cipher function to produce the first output block. The first output block is exclusive-ORed with the first plaintext block to produce the first ciphertext block. The forward cipher function is then invoked on the first output block to produce the second output block. The second output block is exclusive-ORed with the second plaintext block to produce the second ciphertext block, and the forward cipher function is invoked on the second output block to produce the third output block. Thus, the successive output blocks are produced from applying the forward cipher function to the previous output blocks, and the output blocks a


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