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Laws on Business Organizations: A Comparative Study;比较商事组织法 法律硕士课程(法学);Bibliography;Content;What I Expect from you…?;国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020)[公开征求意见稿] 丰田汽车召回 香港华懋集团前董事局主席龚如心遗产案 AVATAR;Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (1);Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (2);Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (2);Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (3);Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (4);Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (5);Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (6);Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (7);Theory of the Firm and Capital Markets (8);Institutional Arrangements;Further Reading Materials;Legal Characteristics of the Corporation: Limited Liability;Reading Materials;Four Characteristic ;Close Corporation vs. Public Corporation;有限责任的形成;对于公司法人人格与股东有限责任合并意义的思考;对交易另一方的提示----来自公司法人人格与股东有限责任原则的适用;Limited Liability;Why Limited Liability: Some Theories;Limited Liability reduces costs;Limited Liability in a context of diversified shareholding;Lifting the Corporate Veil;Limited Liability;Piercing the Corporate Veil;Contracts v. Torts;The Production of Corporation Laws;What Concerned: USA;State Competition;Why not federal domain?;A Transactional Cost Explanation;Toward an Interest Group Theory of Delaware Corporate Law;Enabling Laws…;An Invisible Hand;Why is it a mandatory structure of corporate law?;Mandatory/Enabling Balance in Corporate Law;What Concerned: China;What to Compromise? EU;What Learned: Japan;What Learned: China;Future Trends: Convergence and Compromise?;Financing the Corporation;Cont’d;Two Mechanism to Raise Capital;Agency Costs;A Study on Corporate Bond Maturity: Perspective from Transaction Costs and Agency Costs ;公司的债权人;Examples in pp. 119-120;Why not 100 percent debt-financed firms?;Major Sources of Conflict between Bondholders and Stockholders;Bond Covenants;Restrictions on the Firm’s Production/Investment Policy;Restricting the Payment of Dividends;Restricting Subsequent Financing Policy;Sinking Funds;Covenants Specify B


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