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B1 The movement of? the train lulled me to sleep.? A forced B caused C stopped? A2 He has been my associate in several business enterprises.? A.partner B friend C contact person? B3 We suspected that he was the murderer even before we were told.? A doubted? B believed to be likely? C believed to be unlikely C4 My eyes became accustomed to the dim lighting.? A tired of B hurt by C used to? B5 The government is planning to extend the railway to the next town.? A make it shorter B make it longer C, make it wider? C6 Their sympathy was well-meaning but ineffective. A well-spoken B well-thought C. Well-intentioned C7 That young man is always ready to pay compliments to a pretty young lady. A expressions of praise and admiration B expressions of dislike and hatred? C expressions of love and affection C8 The result of the first experiment is very promising. A successful B meaningful C hopeful? At the turn of the century, Edwin and Amy Earhart? loved their active daughters, Amelia and Muriel.? Edwin gave the girls footballs and guns, while? Amy shocked the neighbors by dressing them in gym suits? instead of skirts.Edwins job caused the family to? move from town to town, and the girls interest in rough sports and shooting rats raised eyebrows wherever they went.? Amelias parents did not force her to reform as she grew older, even when she wanted to study science and?automobile mechanics. But in 1920, when she went to an air show and returned home determined to learn how to fly,even her broad-minded parents hesitated.They soon gave in,however,and within month Amelia was flying a plane her mother helped her buy. C I like the exciting rhythms of African drum music.? A style? B rhyme? C regular repeated pattern of sounds? B The blues was first performed by the black people of New Orleans.? A the color of the clear sky? B a slow, sad style of music? C a fast, happy style of music? C She rocked the baby to sleep.? A forced? B allowed? C moved from side to side? B4 He practic


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