北师大版高中英语必修3课件Unit 8 Adventure 841.ppt

北师大版高中英语必修3课件Unit 8 Adventure 841.ppt

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-1- Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic -2- Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic Y UXI DAOYIN 预习导引 H EXIN GUINA 核心归纳 一 二 三 四 一、南极洲是地球上最遥远最孤独的大陆 , 它严酷的奇寒和常年 不化的冰雪 , 长期以来拒人类于千里之外。数百年来 , 为征服南极 洲 , 揭开它的神秘面纱 , 数以千计的探险家 , 前仆后继奔向南极洲 , 表 现出不畏艰险和百折不挠的精神 , 创造了可歌可泣的业绩 , 为我们 今天能够认识神秘的南极作出了巨大的贡献。我们在欣赏南极美 丽景色的同时 , 不会忘记对他们表示我们崇高的敬意。 -3- Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic Y UXI DAOYIN 预习导引 H EXIN GUINA 核心归纳 一 二 三 四 你心目中的南极洲又是什么样的呢 ? 请勾选出你对它的印象 , 并 写下你对它的更多的认识。 It s probably the coldest place on the Earth. It must be very beautiful. It s probably flat and boring. The silence must be amazing. It s an extremely dangerous place. There can t be much wildlife there. 答案 : 略 -4- Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic Y UXI DAOYIN 预习导引 H EXIN GUINA 核心归纳 一 二 三 四 二、从右栏中找出与左栏单词对应的英文释义 1 .cheerful a.the ability to continue doing something for a long time without losing interest,especially something difficult 2 .distant b.something that you want to do very much,usually something that is difficult to achieve 3 .function c.something that you hope to achieve 4 .patience d.behaving in a way that shows you are happy 5 .ambition e.far away from the place where you are 6 .goal f.to work or operate in the correct or normal way 7 .shock g.without hope 8 .hopeless h.to make someone feel very surprised and upset,and unable to believe what has happened 答案 : 1.d 2.e 3.f 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.h 8.g -5- Lesson 4 Journey to the Antarctic Y UXI DAOYIN 预习导引 H EXIN GUINA 核心归纳 一 二 三 四 三、短语互译 A. 从文中找出下列短语并写出它们的汉语意思 1 .fail to do sth. 2 .spend...doing sth. 3 .try to do sth. 4 .meet the end with 5 .go outside 6 .have great difficulty doing sth. 7 .make rapid progress 8 .get slower and slower 未能做某事 花费 …… 做某事 试图做某事 以 …… 结束 外出 做某事有很大困难


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