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人教最新版英语口语记忆顺口溜(八上06);你喜欢卡通片吗? Do you like cartoons? 你最喜欢的卡通片是什么? What is your favorite cartoon? ;他打算上烹饪学校。 He’s going to a cooking school. ? 你打算怎样做? How are you going to do?;要吃健康食品。? I’ll eat healthier food. 例如,少吃快餐。 For example, eat less fast food.;孩子们会上学吗? Will kids go to school? 将来孩子们不去上学。 Kids won’t go to school. ;跟我们做同样的事情。 Do the same things as we do. 听上去很酷。 Sounds cool. ;我想做罗宋汤。 I want to make Russian soup. 你呢? How about you?;仅仅一勺。 Just one spoon. 大约一勺。 About one spoon.;要做这种特别的食物, To make this special food, 生菜、鸡蛋和鸡汤。 lettuce, eggs and chicken soup.;最后,把米线放到汤里。 Finally, put the rice noodles into the soup. 咱们做西红柿鸡蛋汤。 Let’s make tomato and egg soup.;买两个多少钱? How much is it for two? 我感冒了。 I had the flu. ;她很快就要离开我们。 She is leaving soon. 我特意邀请你们。 I would like to invite you.;我很乐意参加。 I’d love to join you. 我们应该带食物吗? Should we bring food? ;不,咱们还是订餐。 No, let’s order food. 当然,我很乐意。 Sure, I’d love to. ;我不知道该做些什么。 I don’t know what to do. 找朋友跟他们倾诉。 Find friends to talk to.;你喜欢,我也喜欢。 You like it. I like it, too. 那是要去的最好的地方。 It’s the best place to go to. ;我们学校一节课45分钟。 We have a class for 45 minutes at school. 欢迎光临我们学校。 Welcome to our school. ;一天中的这个时候, 孩子们在学校上课。 At this time of the day, children are at school. ;Good habits achieve beautiful life. Try to be your best.


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