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Unit 1 Whats the matter?;本单元以“健康和急救”为话题,围绕这一话题主要谈论了健康问题和意外事故,以及如何向他人提出合理的建议和劝告。具体到书面表达之中,要求同学们会描述身体各部位的不适,并提出正确的建议。 教材中出现的能用于此类作文的短语和句型: ①have a cold/fever感冒/发烧 ②have a sore throat/back喉咙痛/背痛 ③have a headache/toothache头痛/牙痛 ④I dont feel well.我感觉不舒服。 ⑤My head feels very hot.我的头感觉很热。 ⑥He hurt himself in P.E. class.他在体育课上伤了他自己。 ⑦He hurt himself playing soccer.他踢足球时伤了他自己。 ;⑧You should lie down and rest.你应当躺下休息。 ⑨You should drink some hot tea with honey.你应当喝些加蜂蜜的热茶。 ⑩You should go to a doctor.你应当去看医生。 ?You shouldnt eat so much next time.你下次不应该吃这么多。 ?You need to take breaks away from the computer.??需要离开电脑休息一下。;迈克是个13岁的男孩。他特别爱玩电脑游戏,昨天他连续玩了八个小时的电脑游戏。现在他感觉头疼、背疼,而且很累,以至于不能上学。请写一篇70词左右的短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你的建议。 Mike is a thirteen-year-old boy.He likes playing computer games very much.Yesterday he kept on playing computer games for 8 hours.Now he has a headache,a sore back and feels very tired.He cant go to school. I dont think Mike should play computer games so long.Its not good for his health and studies.He should take breaks away from the computer.When he is free,he should go out to do some exercise to keep healthy.;李华是一个12岁的男孩,体重却达到70公斤。他喜欢吃肉,不喜欢运动,经常感冒,为此他很烦恼。假如你是李华的好朋友Tony,请你给他写一封信,给出你的建议。70词左右。 Dear_Li_Hua, Im sorry to hear that you often have a cold.First,you should go to a doctor.He can give you some medicine and advice.Then you should exercise every day.How about swimming three times a week?I think youre a little fat.You shouldnt eat too much meat.Thats not good for your health.You should eat more fruit and vegetables.Doing enough exercise and eating healthy food are very important.In fact,its easy to have a healthy habit. Yours, Tony;should情态动词,意为“应该,应当”,可用于各种人称,无人称和数的变化,也不能单独作谓语,只能和动词原形连用。其否定形式为shouldnt。变一般疑问句时,should应提到主语之前。其用法如下: ①表示责任和义务、劝告和提出建议时。 eg:We should study hard.我们应该努力学习。 You should drink lots of water.你应该喝大量的水。 ②表示命令和要求时,语气比较强烈。 eg:You shouldnt be so careless.你不应该这么粗心。 ③表示预测和可能性。 eg:He should be a teacher.他应该是一名老师。 ;假设你是李鑫,你的笔友Jack给你发来邮件。他说他总是感觉很疲惫,以至于上课都不能集中



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