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Unit 10 Ive had this bike for three years.;?现在完成时表示从过去某一时刻延续到现在的动作或状态,常与for,since引导的时间状语连用。 【注意】for+一段时间,since+过去时间点或从句(从句的谓语动词用过去式)。 eg:I have lived here for twenty years.我住在这里已有20年了。 We have built many factories since 1985.自1985年以来,我们建了许多工厂。 He has always helped me with my English since he came here.自从他到这里以后,他总是帮助我学习英语。;?有的动词所表示的动作不是瞬间就可以完成的, 要持续一段时间,这样的动词叫延续性动词。不能延续下去的动词,叫非延续性动词或瞬间动词。如:buy,borrow等,这些动词在完成时态中可改为相应的表示延续性的词或短语来与表示一段时间的状语连用。如:borrow→keep;buy→have;become/come→be;get to know→know;die→be dead;leave→be away (from);open/close→be open/closed;arrive in (at)/reach/get to→be in/at;stop→be over;start/begin→be on;join→be in/be a member of等。 eg:He joined the army two years ago.他两年前就参军了。(同义句) →He has been in the army for two years. →He has been a soldier for two years.;一、单项选择。 1.The factory ____ since 1995. A.has been open    B.has opened C.was open D.opened 2.Jimmy ____ in Shanghai for seven years.Now he lives abroad with his father. A.studies B.studied C.has studied D.will study 3.—Do you know Diaoyu Island? —Sure.It ____ China since ancient times. A.belongs to B.belonged to C.has belonged to D.is belonging to;4.—I can hardly believe my eyes.Is that you,Lucy? —Yes.It has been almost 20 years ____ we were together.(易错题) A.since   B.before  C.after   D.until 5.How long have you ____ China? A.been in B.been to C.gone to D.come to 6.—You have ____ the book for more than a month. —Oh,sorry,I forgot to return it.(易错题) A.bought B.lent C.kept D.borrowed;7.—How long have you stayed in this hotel? —Not long,just ____ this Monday. A.from B.since C.for D.on 8.I ____ the club for five years so far. A.joined B.join C.have joined D.have been in;二、同义句转换。 9.David left his hometown three months ago. David ________________from his hometown for three months. 10.Susan bought the coat two days ago. Susan __________the coat _______two days ago. 11.The meeting began half an hour ago. The meeting ____________for half an hour. 12.His grandfather died three years ago. His g


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