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Review the Design Design tasks should always include reviews, even when there is no written design specification. Any written documentation should be reviewed and, if possible, inspected. It is important that the reviews and inspections reach the correct audience. Many users who have important input for the user interface may be uninterested or confused by object models and UML diagrams. * Computer-Aided Software Engineering tools to assist Programming Version control Issue tracking system (bug tracking system) * Version Control A version control system allows programmers to keep track of every revision of all source code files The main element of the version control system is the repository, a database or directory which contains each of the files contained in the system. A programmer can pick a point at any time in the history of the project and see exactly what those files looked like at the time. It is always possible to find the latest version of any file by retrieving it from the repository. Changing a file will not unexpectedly overwrite any previous changes to that file; any change can be rolled back, so no work will accidentally be overwritten. * Version Control There are two common models for version control systems In a copy-modify-merge system, multiple people can work on a single file at a time. When a programmer wants to update the repository with his changes, he retrieves all changes which have occurred to the checked out files and reconciles any of them which conflict with changes he made before updating the repository. In a lock-modify-unlock system, only one person can work on any file at a time. A programmer must check a file out of the repository before it can be modified. The system prevents anyone else from modifying any file until it is checked back in. On large projects, the team can run into delays because one programmer is often stuck waiting for a file to be available. * Refactoring Refactoring is a programming technique in which


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