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Chapter 2 Structure and property of materials 2.1 Elements and chemical bond * 由于正负微粒不断运动,产生瞬间的正、负电荷中心不重合,产生瞬时偶极,瞬时偶极之间的作用力,色散力。 * 聚氯乙烯 分子间的范德华键 * * 实际材料中的结合键 secondary为次级键,如氢键,范德华键 从气态原子移走一个电子使其成为气态正离子所需的 最低能量。The first ionization energy IE1 is the energy required to remove the one electron from a gaseous atom. With this the effective nuclear charge increases and thus it takes more energy to remove the next electron. IE2 is always greater than IE1. Each subsequent electron becomes harder to remove. In the plot below it is apparent that there are periodic patterns to the first ionization energies. Within a given row the ionization energy increases with increasing atomic number. Atoms with filled or half-filled subshells have higher energies than the trend. The IE1 of a row increases until a maximum is reached with a noble gas. The IE1 drops dramatically as the next shell begins to fill, starting with an alkali metal. It is obviously more difficult to remove an electron from a noble gas than form a metal. The transition metals tend to be similar in their properties. It is apparent that the most significant chemical properties are due to the s and p orbital electrons. The filling of the d and particularly the f orbitals make far less difference. In both the noble gases and the alkali metals there is a gradual decrease in IE1 with increasing atomic number. In the smaller atoms the electrons are closer to the nucleus and are thus held more firmly. The nuclear charge is shielded by the inner electrons in larger atoms. 同周期主族:从左至右,Z逐渐增大,I1也逐渐增大。稀有气体I1最大。 同周期副族:从左至右,Z增加不多,原子半径减小缓慢,其I1增加不如主族元素明显。 同一主族:从上到下,Z增加不多,但原子半径增加,所以I1由大变小。 同一副族电离能变化不规则。 有效的核电荷数 元素原子序数增加时,原子的核电荷数呈线性关系依次增加,但是有效核电荷数却呈周期性变化。 (1).在短周期元素,从左到右,有效核电荷数增加 (2).在长周期中,从第三族开始,有效核电荷数增加不大,当次外层电子半充满或者全充满的时候,由于屏蔽作用较大,因此,有效核电荷数略有下降,长周期元素后半部分,有效核电荷数有呈显著增加。 (3).同一族元素由上到下,有效核电荷数增加不显著。 电子亲和势(Electron Affinity, EA) ——它是指气态原子俘获一个电子成为一价负离子时所产 生的能量变化。 形成阴离子时放出能量,则EA为正;吸收能量则EA为负。 EA的大小涉及核的吸引和核外电荷相斥两个因素,故同一周期和同一族元素都没有单调


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