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Architecture – Our tribute to life;Architecture – Our tribute to life is the core ideology of China Vanke. It is also the core value that the Company upholds in its products. ;10-05-2011, 7:20 PM, Vanke Center (Shenzhen);About the Company;;China Vanke has chosen to position itself as the develo- -per of urban residential pro- -perties for the mass market in China. ;Company Milestones ;Year of establishment: 1984 Number of employees: 23866 (as of June 2011) Total asset value: RMB 260,960,278,715.02 (as of August 2011);Since its initial public offering, China Vanke’s core operations have reported compound annual growth rates of 30% and 34% in revenue and net profit respectively. The Company’s net asset value has increased by more than 3,000 times from that at the time of listing.;Market Coverage;Residential Properties;Commercial Properties;Quality Control;China Vanke established ‘6+2-step process’ customer service system based on ideas drawn from Pulte Homes in the US. It is the general term for the services provided to the property owners at every critical stage: notification of adverse factors occurring within or adjacent to the precincts of the residential project, a text alert after a deposit is paid, site visit, handover ceremony, follow-up visit three months after the handover, reconstruction of old projects, etc.;Property Management Services;Green and Sustainable Development;Residential Prefabrication Research and Applications; Vanke Center;Children’s Care Project; Affordable Housing;Vanke Pavilion at Expo 2010 Shanghai China ;During Expo 2010, Vanke Pavilion successfully operated for 184 days, receiving 1,210,292 visitors, among which 58,596 are VIPs from international institutions, heads of states, reputable domestic and overseas corporations, celebrities, media and opinion leaders in various fields.


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