2019-2020学年新人教版高中英语高效学案:必修二 被动语态(附答案).docxVIP

2019-2020学年新人教版高中英语高效学案:必修二 被动语态(附答案).docx

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PAGE1 / NUMPAGES1 高考英语一轮复习——被动语态(附 答案) I.考点分析 一、被动语态的形式 被动语态是非常重要的考点。并且我们发现与被动语态有关的考题每次都有2到3题。首先我们要了解被动语态的基本形式。 一般现在时be done 现在进行时be being done 一般过去时was/were done 过去进行时was/were being done 现在完成时have/has been done 过去完成时had done 一般将来时will be done 将来过去时would/should be done 将来完成时will have been done 过去将来完成时would/should have been done going to结构going to be done be tobe to be done 情态动词情态动词+be done 不定式to be doneto have been done 二、被动语态在下列情况下可以使用: 1.只有及物动词或不及物动词+前置词才能用被动态结构;单独的不及物动词不能使用。 A great battle was fought. The babies were looked after by the nurse. 2.当不知到动作的发出者,或不容易指出动作的发出者时,可用被动语态。 The window is broken. The chemical works is equipped with sophisticated machines. The audience is requested to keep silence. 3.当我们对动作的接受者比动作的发出者更感性趣时,可用被动语态。 The five-year plan has been drawn up. Comrade Li was elected chairman. 4.由于某种特殊的原因(如说话技巧、说话者的感情等),故意回避行为的发出者时,可用被动语态。 Any suggestions will be heartily appreciated. It is believed that there are about four million workers unemployed the U.S.A eachyear. 5.当谈及疾病时,可用被动结构。 His left lung is affected. She is confined to the room by illness. Tom was seized with sudden chest pain. 6.当由于工作或其它原因过度疲劳时,可用被动结构。 He was completely exhausted after a long walk. I was almost fagged out. She was knocked up after the long steep climb. 7.由于兴奋或激动时,可用被动结构表示。 Jane was delighted to hear the news of your success. I am very pleased to see you here. She was enchanted with the flowers you sent her. 8.当由于受阻或某种原因延迟或耽搁时,可用被动语态结构。 We have been held up by fog. The mountain roads were obstructed by falls of rock. The train was delayed 2 hours. The harbour was blocked by ice. 9.当涉及个人习惯时,可用被动态结构。 He is quite used to hard work. This is not the kind of treatment I am accustomed to. He is addicted to smoking. 10.当涉及烦恼时,可用被动结构 He was annoyed to learn that the train would be delayed. She is easily upset emotionally. He was vexed at his failure. He was disturbed to hear of your illness. 11.表示惊讶时,可用被动态结构。 I was astonished to see him there. I am surprised he didn’t come. He was



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