海南三亚九校高三生物联考试题(Hainan Sanya nine school session of senior high school biology entrance exams).doc

海南三亚九校高三生物联考试题(Hainan Sanya nine school session of senior high school biology entrance exams).doc

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海南三亚九校2010届高三生物联考试题(Hainan Sanya nine school 2010 session of senior high school biology entrance exams) Hainan Sanya nine school 2010 session of senior high school biology entrance exams This paper consists of 10 pages, 38 items, out of 150 points. The exam takes 120 minutes. Matters needing attention: 1. before the answer, candidates must use black writing pen or signature pen, their names and school, test number, class and other information filled in the answer card and answer sheet. 2. choices every day choose the answer, with a 2B pencil to answer on the answer sheet black information point corresponds to the topic options, such as the need to change, with a clean eraser, then coated with other answers, the answer can not answer questions in volume. 3. multiple-choice questions must use black writing pen or a pen to answer, the answer must be written on the answer sheet on the corresponding designated location within the region; such as the need to change, first off the original answer, then write a new answer; not use pencil and correction fluid. The answer is not valid if you do not answer the above requirements. 4. be sure to keep the answer sheet neat. At the end of the examination, answer and answer card will be returned. A single choice: the 20 items. Every day 2. A total of 40 points. Four options for each question there are in. There is only one option that meets the requirements of the subject. 1. the following description of the composition of cell organic matter is correct A. contains only ribonucleic acid B. consists of starch, glycogen, and cellulose monomers, all glucose The C. polypeptide chain is biologically active once it is formed on the ribosome The energy released by oxidation and decomposition of sugar and fat with the same mass of D. is the same 2. the following statements about the structure and function of cells are correct A. There is no insulin gene in human renal tubular epithelial cells B. there are 46 DNA molecules in the body that


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