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Module Six Old and New 1. The Great Wall of China is the longest man-made structure/building (that has) ever (been) built . 过去分词短语作定语相当于定语从句 1. The lecture given by Professor Wang was wonderful. given by Professor Wang which was given by Professor Wang 2. The house built last year will be sold to a foreigner. built last year which was built last year 2. Most of the Great Wall dates from the Ming Dynasty . date from = date back to 从 … 时就有;追溯到 … This church dates back to / from 1840. Dynasty n. 朝代,王朝 The Qin Dynasty was founded by Qin Shihuang. 3. At the time it was built, Chek Lap Kok Airport in HongKong was the biggest civil engineering project of all time. civil adj. 民用的 , 国内的 = national 赤 腊 角 1. The American Civil War broke out in 1861. 2. After the war, he left the army and lived a civil life. engineering n. 工程技术;工程学 He is studying engineering at college. 4. The airport is designed to accommodate 80 million passengers a year. accommodate vs hold 容纳 hold 指“ 能 容纳” 这房子能住下 20 人。 The house can hold 20 people. accommodate 指 “ 舒适 地容纳 ”, “ 接纳 ”, 提供住宿(膳食) The hotel can accommodate over 3000 people. 5. Yangtze River is the worlds third longest river. 序数词 + 最高级 表示位列顺序 / 排行 1. 中国是世界第三大国。 2. 黄河是我国的第二长河。 China is the third largest country in the world. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. language points Mao Zedong wrote a poem in which he dreamed of “Walls of stone to hold back clouds and rain till a smooth lack rises in the narrow gorges”. dream n. v . 梦;作梦 ; 梦想 dreamt / dreamed dream of/about/that 向往 , 梦想;梦到 ① He dreamt a dreadful dream. ② I dreamt about you last night. ③ I dreamt that I was flying in the air. ④ She dreams of becoming famous one day. ⑤ His dream of being a doctor has come true . hold back 阻挡 , 控制 ( 情感 ), 隐瞒 1. The police tried to hold the crowd back . 2. We tried to hold back our laughter. 3. Tell me the truth – dont hold anything back . hold on 别挂断;继续;坚持 hold on to 抓住 ; 不卖掉


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