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【 Topic 】 The Violence of Nature 【 Task 】 Word Study 【 Aim 】 Learn to use certain words and phrases 【 key points 】 flood, experience, furniture, occur, strike, ruin Module 3----Period One Ⅰ . 单词盘点 根据词性和汉语意思写出词汇 1. _______( n . ) 灾难 2._________ ( vt . ) 经历 3._______ ( vt . ) 引起 ; 导致( n . )原因; 事业,目标 4. _____( vt . ) 埋葬 5. _____( vi . ) 发生 disaster experience cause bury occur 6. ______( vt . n . ) ( 雷电、暴风雨等 ) 袭击 7. _____( vt . ) 毁坏 8. ________( adj . ) 以前的 9. ________( n . ) 警告 10. _______ ( n . v . ) 损失 ; 损害 11. _________ ( n . )家具 strike ruin previous warning damage furniture 12. _______( adj . ) 猛烈的 ; 激烈的;强烈的 → _______ ( n . ) 暴力 13. ___________( n . ) 可能 ; 可能性 → _______ ( adj . )可能的 → ________( adv . ) 可能地 14. _________( adj . ) 吓人的;可怕的 → _________ ( adj . )恐惧的,受惊吓的 → _______ ( vt . )使恐惧;惊吓 15. _________( adv . ) 满怀希望地;有希望地 → ________( adj . ) 有希望的 → ______( n . vt . ) 希 望,期望 violent violence possibility possible possibly terrifying terrified terrify hopefully hopeful hope II. 重点单词用法梳理 1.flood n. 洪水 vt. 淹没;泛滥;涌到 翻译下列句子,理解 flood 含义。 ① The river has flooded the garden. ② The river is flooded by the rains. ③ Music flooded the room. ① When I drew the curtains back the sunlight flooded in. bury sth.in... 把 …… 埋在 …… bury oneself in 埋头于,专心于 be buried in 专心于 She sat there , buried in thought . 她坐在那儿,陷入了沉思。 The paper was buried under a pile of books. 那份文件被埋在书堆下。 2 bury v . 埋葬;埋藏;使陷入;沉浸;覆盖 ( cover ) ;掩藏 ( hide ) (1) 用 bury 的适当形式填空 ① He walked slowly , his hand in his pocket. ② The girl was sitting on the bench in the park, her head in the book in her hands. ③ They think she in the desert , along with a few others. (2) ( 由于专心看报 ) , I didn t notice what was happening. was buried buried burying Buried in the newspaper 3.experience vt. 经历 Our country has experienced great changes in the pas


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