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Flight Plans 1. Using the four functions as your guide, what challenges would Jeff Bourk face in managing the Branson Airport While managers are called upon to perform all the basic functions of management, planning, organizing, leading and controlling, most top manager s and CEO ’s focus on planning. His biggest job is setting the strategy and mission of the airport. … 2. Again, using the four functions as your guide, do you think the managerial challenges Jeff Bourk faced when getting the airport up and running are different from what he faces now in actually overseeing the airport operation Explain. As organizations move from the planning stage toward implementation, the other functions of management become important. Organizing employees to build the airport and then running the day to day operations. Leading will also become more important as motivation of airport employees needs to be sustained. Finally, control mechanisms need to be in place… Faded Signal 1. What strategic mistakes did Nokia make in the . market Nokia ’s biggest mistake in the US was that it thought it knew better what the customer wanted than the customers themselves. Nokia neglected the growing fondness for apps and touch screens and believed that its products were superior. Another mistake has to do with the different technologies used by cellphones (GSM vs. CDMA)… 4. How could Nokia have done better at using strategic management What does this case story tell you about strategic management Obviously, Nokia made the mistake of underestimating the competition . Apple) and not paying attention to the customer. When companies fail to take these considerations into account when determining their strategy, then they are sure to fail … A New Kind of Structure 1. Describe and evaluate what Pfizer is doing. What Jordan Cohen has created at Pfizer is a network organization. It ’s a form of the boundaryless organization structu


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