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;;Collaboration Phase 1 Represent Challenge Problems Ultra-Wide Band RF (UWBRF) Signal Processing Multi-Dimensional Image Processing (MDIP) Provide specific challenge problem descriptions to ACS investigators MDIP: /nis-projects/daps/ UWBRF: /rcc/ Seek out and collaborate with ACS investigators whose work matches our need ISI - DRP and RRP Northwestern - Matlab compiler Ptolemy - System level analysis tool Validate Hardware or Software Strategies;RFIP;RFIP Objective Manipulate image processing steps carried out on RCC hardware to develop remote sensing algorithms for classifying and identifying features of interest to an image analyst. Provide software suite and hardware to work in host workstation(s) Search speeds comparable to archive retrieval times Platform and RCC hardware independence Scalable within a platform and via networked platforms Approach Rapid evolution of feature recognition procedure via: Hardware accelerator containing tunable image processing operators Software engine that parallelizes a search and manipulates accelerated operators to maximize performance against truth data ;RFIP Current Plan Develop non-real time demonstration (proof of concept) of an algorithm to evolve image classification procedures for identifying features of interest (fully funded by RFIP) Select image operators amenable to RCC acceleration Select algorithm framework and software Select simulation environment (IDL, Perl, etc.) Select test datasets Develop, write, and execute an all software demonstration Demonstrate ability of RCC to dramatically speed up image processing steps (RFIP - SLAAC partnership) Select demonstration RCC hardware (SLAAC-1 insertion opportunity) Develop tunable operator architecture in VHDL Select some image operators and code them in VHDL Develop software engine to drive a single RCC Benchmark accelerated operators against software operators;RFIP Future Plan (2 DII proposals being submitted this month) Fully develop RCC accelerated workstatio


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