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实用标准文案 双语职场英语:十四招教你有效排解工作压力 We all had long months of overtime, sleepless nights, terribly high stress level and very high responsibility pressure. We were carrying the burden of high expectations and the fear of failure on our shoulders. As a result, once in a while, one of us was losing control and breaking into tears with no particular reason 。 我们都经历过数月的超时工作、 无数个无眠之夜, 承受过重大责任和压力。 我们肩负着 太多期望,害怕失败。所以有些时候,我们会再也承受不住,莫名落泪。 Of course, this was an exceptional period. But even in normal working days there are many annoying moments, stressful situations and problems waiting for your solutions. It ’s a challenge to keep your high spirit and stay sane in stressful working days 。 自然这些都不是常态。 可即便在正常情况下, 你也会遇到不少烦心的时刻、 棘手的问题。 要在压力重重的工作中保持积极状态,绝对是个挑战。 Here are some easy tips I used in order to avoid another weeping session in the office bathroom. And guess what? They worked! 下面是我自己用来避免躲在公司洗手间抹眼泪的小意见。很有用哦! Don ’t go to sleep too late –when you don ’t get enough sleep at night there is a big chance that you will feel tired and irritated the next day 。 一、不熬夜。如果晚上没睡好,第二天你很可能无精打采、闷闷不乐。 Wake up with a smile –simply convince yourself that it ’s going to be a really nice day. In the worst case it won ’t, but on the other hand if you start off with a gloomy mood, the day will definitely be terrible. So you ’ve got nothing to lose, 精彩文档 实用标准文案 right? 二、醒来给自己一个微笑。 告诉自己今天会是美好的一天;万一事与愿违,而你又哭丧 着脸,那这一天肯定会过得很糟。微笑又不赔本,对不对? Have a mini-work out –I know it ’s very difficult to start a work out when you are sleepy and have a busy working day ahead. But have at least 10-15 minutes stretching and you will feel much better 。 三、稍微运动运动。 我知道, 当你又累又有一大堆工作要做时,


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