2020年英语八年级下册期末词汇语法复习试题:Unit 10 I have had this bike for three years (解析人教版).docVIP

2020年英语八年级下册期末词汇语法复习试题:Unit 10 I have had this bike for three years (解析人教版).doc

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精品资源·初中试炼 精品资源·加分试炼 人教版初中英语8年级(下)期末复习大全 Unit 10 I have had the bike for three years (解析版) 第一部分:词汇强化练习 根据汉义补全句子 I saw him standing in the __________(院子). A one-day _______ _______(庭院拍卖会)?can?often?produce a significant?amount?of?money. __________(甜的)?food and drink contains a lot of sugar。 She is always complaining about her bad __________(记忆力). I?am?not?afraid.?I?have?earned?every __________(一分钱)?that I have.? The?boy?played with?his __________(玩具)?train.? \o 点击发音 We have not seen a __________(熊)??yet after seven days of searching in the forest. The car __________(生产商) recalls a lot of cars that are unsafe. The price of this __________(围巾) is below ten dollars. Its very comfortable to step on the __________(柔软) ground in the spring. \o 点击发音 Do look out for spelling mistakes when you __________(检查) your homework. We do daily __________(检查) on the quality of our products. I started the job as a __________(初级的)secretary. The song is ______ _______(不再) popular with youngsters. Someday, I will __________(拥有) a shop like this. It takes a lot of time and money to build a __________(铁路) . Will you draw the nails from this __________(木板)? She tried to __________(分开) the two fighting dogs. For __________(某种) reasons I will be unable to attend the meeting. ______ _______(至于)you, I refuse to have any dealings with you. It was commonly believed that he was an __________(诚实的) man. She worked in a bank for a__________(一段时间) before studying law. Most religions (宗教) teach you to be __________(诚实的). He?left?his __________?(家乡)?and?looked for?a?job?in town.? \o 点击发音 __________(现今) we rely increasingly on computers to help us. She __________(搜寻)her desk for the necessary information. He climbed up the tree and hid __________(在...中间) the branches. She takes some __________(油画棒)?to draw a little dog on the paper. I dont want to bring __________(耻辱) on the family name. I __________(看待) reading as a form of rest. I __________(数数) the money. It was more than five hundred dollars.



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