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非特异性检查 ? Drop arm test ? 肩关节被动外展 120 度左右 ? 维持位置,慢慢放 下双臂 ? 突然下降伴有疼痛 即阳性 Indications Rotator Cuff Tear Suspected Technique Examiner passively abducts shoulder to 160 degrees Patient attempts to slowly adduct arm to resting position at side Interpretation: Signs of Rotator Cuff Tear Arm drops to side quickly and not smoothly Gentle tap over abducted arm may force arm to give way Efficacy Test Sensitivity : 27% Test Specificity : 88% 特异性检查 ? 冈上肌检查: Jobe test ,外旋延迟试验 ? 冈下肌检查:外旋延迟试验 ? 肩胛下肌检查: ? Lift-off test ? Press Belly test ? 内旋延迟试验 ? 肱二头肌腱损伤( SLAP 损伤) ? Obrien test ? Speed test 冈上肌检查 ? Jobe supraspinatus test ? 外展 90 度,前屈 30 度(肩胛骨水平) ? (拇指向下)内旋 时冈上肌肌束力线 成一直线 ? 抗阻力出现无力疼 痛为阳性 Jobe supraspinatus test ? J obes test. This is to test the muscle. The examiner places the arm in a 90 ° abduction in the plane of the scapula and in internal rotation. He will then ask the patient to resist the pressure and determine the muscular strength of the supraspinatus. Pain will often prevent this test from being carried out correctly. 肩关节检查方法 首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院骨科 李强 教授 全面检查 ? 疼痛的部位和范 围(颈项部) ? 有无远端放射痛 (上臂前部) ? 涉及的肌力情况 (三角肌) ? 有无病理症(退 变的夹杂症) 全面检查(病理症) ? 炎症:类风湿性关节 炎 ? 神经性疼痛:周围神 经疾病;中枢神经疾 病 ? 血管性病变:动脉血 栓,静脉炎 ? 肿瘤:压迫臂丛的肿 瘤 病史采集 HISTORY TAKING INTERVIEW ? 疼痛的部位 ? 肩锁关节;大结节;结节间沟;前方肌肉 的疼痛 ? 疼痛的性质 ? 锐痛(急性);钝痛(慢性) ? 有无夜间痛 (炎性) ? 疼痛是否与活动有关: ? 有关:撞击症,肩袖损伤 肩关节检查 PHYSICAL EXAMINATION ? 望诊 ? 触诊 ? 活动度 ? 特殊检查 望 诊 INSPECTION ? 脱衣暴露至腰部 ? 两侧对比检查 ? 观察病人穿脱衣过程, 评估患肩功能 ? 依照先后方再前方的顺 序观察病人肩部情况, 注意有无肌肉 萎缩 ? (陈旧性肩袖损伤常伴 有冈上肌 / 冈下肌萎缩) 望 诊 Proximal tear of the long head of the biceps 肱二头肌长头近端断裂 Torticollis 斜颈 Anterior shoulder dislocation. 前脱位 望 诊 Winged scapula Separation of the acromioclavicular joint 望 诊 ? Sprengle deformity 高位肩胛 触 诊 PALPATION ? 肩锁关节 ? 肩峰下间隙(滑囊炎) ? 大结节 (肩袖损伤) ? 结节间沟(肱二头肌腱) ? 喙突 触 诊 PALPATION ? Principles for palpation of the shoulder. Bilaterally and comparatively, the examiner should palpate the bony contours and elements which might be involved in the impingement syndrom



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