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;中国;甘肃;;;;;;;The Eastern louvre Museum(东方卢浮宫), DunHuang Caves (敦煌莫高窟)is one of the most important cultural relics in China. ;;;;;;;This is the time for our to visit to LanZhou;;;; As the capital city of Gansu Province, LanZhou is located upper reaches of the Yellow River and at the geometric (几何的)center of China’s continental territory(大陆版图). The city proper, with the Yellow River going throng, is sandwiched by mountains on the northern and southern banks. It is a famous city in the West China featuring the majestic appearance of the beauty of the south. ;;;The camels in the desert;;;odd-and-even license plate rule;;In lanzhou, the folk spread such a passage.The Lanzhou people was very poor.We only have a river a bowl of noodles a bottle of beer a book a pack of cigarettes ; A river -----the Yellow River;The Yellow river ——Mother River of China; 5464km long flow through nine provinces of China;Mother River of China 母亲河 the Cradle of Chinese Civilization 中华文明的摇篮;;Lanzhou is the provincial capital city that the Yellow River runs through. ;A bowl of noodles ---- the Lanzhou beef noodles;a bottle of beer --- Huanghe beer;A book --Du Zhe;A?comprehensive magazine of?Gansu?. Variety?of?form and content. A?famous brand?of?Gansu?even all over the nation. High circulation and honor. ;;Lanzhou Dialect;Lanzhou specialty;;;1.attraction [u.sing] a feeling of liking sb. especially sexually [c] an interesting or enjoyable place to go or thing to do [c.u] a feature,quality or person that makes sth.seem interesting and enjoyable ,and worth having or doing [u] a force which pulls things towards each other 2.desolate adj empty and without people,making you feel sad or frightened ' very lonely and unhappy V. to make sb.feel sad and without hope 3.mural a painting,usually a


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