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李桓 主富春。 番新 How to get there? 1. take Bus 136 and get off when you arrived in Li shanqiao (Hill 2. take Bus 482 and get off when you arrived in Shen Jiangwu(i a 3. take Bus Shen Jiangwu- Shendong(沈家坞-城东市场) shichang and get off when you arrived in the last station(城东市场) 加啊11 get to Fuyang brief introduction about Fuyang 富阳十景 But today, I would like to talk about Guan Shan, Yu Dafu 鹤山揽胜 House, Longmen Ancient town, China Ancient Papermaking and 龙门古风 Printing Village, Gliding base of Yonganshan and some parks of Fuyang 桃源春色 i坞竹径 天钟听泉 贤明夕照 长堤戏浪 枫林咽泉 江洲鹭影 郁宅望江 不ys富 Guanshan鹳山 It is located in bank of Fuchun river in the east of Fuyang. There is rocky ledge which looks like stork near the river and Guanshan was given the name for its appearance. Yu Dafu House is in the foot of the hill and there are bloodstained garment grave of Yu Mantuo, Double fierce pavilion and SongJun villa in the hill. The rocky ledge which goes deep into the water is the place Yan Zilin angling 位于富阳城东富春江之畔。一峰独峙,临江处有石矶,似鹳,迎江而立 故名。山脚有郁达夫故居,山上有郁达夫哥哥郁曼陀血衣冢,双烈亭、松筠 別墅等郁氏纪念设施。山脚深入江心的矶头为严子陵垂钓处


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