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百年教育职业培训中心:/ 广东开放大学 终结性考核 参考资料 百年教育职业培训中心 编制 百年教育职业培训中心:/ 选择题 题目: 题干 百年教育职业培训中心:/ I'll try and find ____ the name of the person who saved my life yesterday. 答案: A、at B、out C、with D、off 题目:They ()have a share. 答案: A、each B、every 题目:()child enjoys Christmas. 答案: A、Every B、Each 题目:My pen is lost. This one is my (). 答案: A、brother B、brother's 题目:Have you ()the skirt by yourself? 答案: A、made 百年教育职业培训中心:/ B、built 题目:My room is ()than the one next door. 答案: A、cleaner B、cleanner C、cleanest 题目:John is the ()of the three brothers. 答案: A、taller B、tallest C、tall 题目:We've entered ()an agreement. 答案: A、for B、into C、* 题目:He entered his son ()the English examination. 答案: A、for B、into C、* 题目:No one saw the thief when he entered ()the 百年教育职业培训中心:/ buliding. 答案: A、for B、into C、* 题目:Everyone ()he will win. 答案: A、believes B、believe 题目:Just then, the telephone rang. It rang (). 答案: A、at once B、immediately C、 again D、at that moment 题目:The shop assistant found some curtain material ()me. 答案: A、to B、for C、 at D、in 百年教育职业培训中心:/ 题目:Pass the knife ()your father. 答案: A、for B、into C、 to D、from 题目:()him a few words of Italian? The waiter. 答案: A、Who taught B、Who did teach C、 What did he teach D、Whom did he teach 题目:He spent the whole day in his room. He was in his room ()day. 答案: A、the hole B、the all C、 all D、all of 题目:There are()spelling mistakes in your homework. 答案: A、a small number of 百年教育职业培训中心:/ B、a good deal of C、 much 题目:I find the film (). 答案: A、very interesting B、very interested C、 very interest D、interests 题目:I have ()read the book. 答案: A、already B、a year ago C、 a short time ago D、last year 题目:When did you ()that letter? 答案: A、receive B、take C、 accept D、took 题目:He has visited many() places in China. 答案: 百年教育职业培训中心:/ A、different B、difference C、differentiate D、differ 题目:The school is a mile (awa


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