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lesson 85 短语复习: 1. never too old to learn 2. receive a letter from = 3. inform sb. of sth. 4. inform sb. that... 5. information about something 6. former headmaster 7. old and new 8. send him a present to mark this occasion 9. contribute to 10. sign ones name on an album 11. remember sb. for something 12. patience, understanding and kindly encouragment 13. be willing to do something 14. go unwillingly to school 15. a great many 16. attend a farewell dinner 17. in ones honor=in honor of sb. 18. a total of = 19. devote oneself to gardening= 20. entirely new hobby 21. a curious coincidence LESSON 86 Out of control 1.Out of control 失去,欠缺 out of bread out of fashion out of order out of sight out of work out of breath 由于 , 出于 Elizabeth greeted Kim out of politeness. He helped us out of kindness. She asked only out of curiosity. He did it out of money. control: be under control 在掌控当中 be out of control 失控 lose control (of) lose control of his car; keep control of 控制 ... control oneself 自控 ? swing ? speedboat ? desperately ? companion ? water ski ? buoy ? dismay ? tremendous ? petrol ? drift ? gently ? v. 转向 ? n. 快艇 ? adv. 绝望地 ? n. 同伙,伙伴 ? (由快艇牵引水橇)滑水 ? n. 浮标 ? n. 沮丧 ? adj. 巨大的 ? n. 汽油 ? v. 漂动,漂流 ? adv. 缓慢地,轻轻地 swing vt. (swung, swung) 1. 动词,转向 ? I swung the car left. ? Its impossible to swing a car in such a narrow path like this . 2. 动词,摆动 ? When I am running, I swing my arms. ? The monkey is swinging itself from tree to tree. 3. 名词 . 摆动 The swing of ship made me sick. 4. 名词,秋千 There are some swings in the park . desperately adv. 绝望地;极度地 ? She lost her business and cried desperately. ? He said desperately that the opponent was too strong for us . ? The manager is desperately busy to make profits. desperate 1.adj. 不顾一切的,亡命的 The desperate thief shot at the policeman . 2. 悲观的 , 希望渺茫的 Her i


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