中班英语:Jack and Jill went up the hill教学设计.docxVIP

中班英语:Jack and Jill went up the hill教学设计.docx

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今泰学院推荐文档 第 PAGE 第 PAGE 2 页 共 NUMPAGES 2 页 中班英语:Jack and Jill went up the hill教学设计 Middle class English: Jack and Jill went up the hill teaching design 编订:JinTai College 编订:JinTai College 中班英语:Jack and Jill went up the hill教学设计 前言:小泰温馨提醒,幼儿园是针对幼儿集中进行保育和教育的学前教育机构,幼儿不仅可以学到知识,从小接触集体生活,帮助孩子健康快乐地度过童年时光。幼儿园教育作为整个教育体系基础的基础,是对儿童进行预备教育,包括性格完整健康、行为习惯良好、初步的自然与社会常识。本教案是根据幼儿园中班儿童的学习特点、发展特点来设计并编辑成教学活动的内容。便于学习和使用,本文下载后内容可随意修改调整及打印。 活动内容: jack and jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, jack fell down and broke his crown and jill came tumbling after. 活动目标: 1.使幼儿理解儿歌中jack和jill先后跌倒。 2.让幼儿明确事物之间存在着息息相关密不可分的关联。 3.通过肢体的信息,传递培养幼儿之间的合作互动能力。 活动准备: 粉笔、凳子若干张、积木若干、玩偶若干。 活动过程: ⅰgreeting: sing a song“good morning”. t:good morning boys and girls . let’s sing a song“good morning”.(边唱边与幼儿打招呼) ⅱwarming-up review the song:one,two,boukle,my shoe.”and the chant:“jack and jill went up the hill.”(边唱边用肢体来表现) ⅲ reveiew game:“jack and jill went up the hill.” 教师向幼儿发出指令,×××和×××去山上取回doogy/prggy. 幼儿就两人跨过凳子将“宝物”取回。 t:well.i’m going to sing the chant,and you two go up the hill to fetch them back,clear? c:yes. t:ready. ××× and ××× went up the hill to fetch a paid of doggy …… ⅵ new game“we are bracks”. (1)教师在桌子上用粉笔设定轨道,与幼儿一起观看摆好在轨道上的积木。轻轻推动。观看积木一个接一个倒下的效应。 t:kids,do you know what these are?they are briks.they are ,we sing the song together.you know.jack fell down and jill came tumbling after.ok,who wants to be jack,you can push the first bracks.see,jack fell down and jill came tumbling after. (2)教师让幼儿用自己的身体模仿积木(教师在地板上画场地)。 t:well,let’s play the ,one by one standing in a line,who wants to be jack?ok, ××× you wall be the ,you stand in a line after ×××(边唱歌边沿白线前进)。教师假装推倒第一名幼儿,所有幼儿依次倒下。after that, ××× you fell down,and others,you do like the bricks. ⅶ ending activities: t:oh,what an interesting game!do you like it? c:yes. t:ok,let’s play it next time.(配班老师播放歌谣“jack and jill went up the hill”) t:let’s sing the chant after me.伴着音乐节奏,教师带领幼儿离开场地。 Designed By JinTai C


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